Chapter 41

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I begging you... Don't come near me

"Please...don't come near me"

"Y/n even you should know by now that, that's not gonna happen"

He gets closer and crouches down to my level sitting close to me.

"Come over here"
He says softly

A tear rolls down my cheek

"I wasn't asking"

He chuckles, snatching and pulling me onto his lap burying his head in the crook of my neck

"Y/n...I'm so sorry, but I want you to know that don't think of you any different and that your still the same dragonslayer I fell in love with".

"oh Natsu"
I cling onto him burying my head in his chest feeling his arms around my waist.

"I know I said this before, but from now on I'm going with you everywhere, Which means I'm gonna be there beside you 24/7"

"that's creepy"
I give him a small smile that soon fades away

"It may be creepy but I love you and will lay down my life for you"

"But what would I do without you?"

He smiles looking deep into my eyes

"Well then, it looks like we're both going to have to live, but I'll make that Lucy won't go near you ever again, she doesn't deserve to have the pleasure of talking to you".

"what's going on with her?"

"Well, Erza is keeping a close eye on her till master comes and when he returns she will most likely be kicked out of the guild"

He presses his lip against mine while playing with my hair, he holds me tighter when I start running my fingers through is soft spiky looking hair. After everything I had done he was willing to come into the forest and waste his time looking for me, he plants slow soft kisses down my neck and skims his lips against the bite mark on my shoulder. I let out a moan and throw my head back exposing my neck, he trails down my neck and past my shoulder to my low clothes collar line.

"You will always be mine Y/n, that mark right there is a sign that confirms it"

"Why does Lucy hate me so much? What did I ever do to her?"

"Maybe she's just jealous"

"Jealous? About what?"


"That's not an answer"

"Yeah it is"

He stands up and puts his hand out

"Let's go back, but don't worry, I'm gonna be right here with you"

I reluctantly take his hand as he guides me out of my hiding and towards the guild.
When I see it up ahead I freeze in worry about how they would react, Natsu notices and holds my waist pulling me close as we walk closer.

"I can't do this"

"It's alright, get behind me"

He kicks the door open and everyone turns their head immediately seeing me, Natsu gives them all a death glare that could burn someone alive making sure I didn't notice. The guild goes back to what that we're doing not wanting to get on his nerves"

"See, everything's going to be fine"

I look around the room seeing Lucy in a corner with magic proof cuffs on, Natsu notices me staring at her.

"Take no notice of her"

I hear a child's voice behind me and smiled immediately know who the voice belonged to.

"Hey Igneel, how you doing"

He giggled and hugged me and natsu then ran off chasing Happy who playfully took one of his toys.
I look at the ground then pull Natsu out of the guild needing to tell him something important.

"Hey, Natsu..."


"...i'll be going away for a while, no more than 2 months"

"WHAT? Where are you going?"

"I've got things I need to think about and recover from so nothing like that will happen again"

"I'm coming with you"

"Someone needs to look after igneel"

"We can bring him along"

I shake my head sadly

"This is something I need to figure out for myself"

I feel his arms wrap around me

"2 months max... Ok"

I nod and give him a small smile,

"I promise that I'll be home soon"



"When will you be leaving?"

"Early tomorrow"

That night when I put Igneel to bed I explain I will be gone for a while and secretly tell him that since Natsu is too childish to take care of the house, it's his job to be the man of the house"

He giggled and nods giving me a tight hug.

"Be good"

That night as I lay in bed with Natsu he looks down at me smiling and presses his lips against mine while removing his best in the process . . .

I wake up at 4 am quickly hopping out of bed putting on my clothes that Natsu had removed.
Packing my bags I look back at Natsu snoring with his body spread out on the bed.

"See you soon, I love you"
I say finally closing the door behind me and do the same to igneel giving him a kiss on the head.


The sun glares through the bedroom window annoying me, I fumble and reach next to me feeling the bed is empty. My heart sinks totally forgetting she left this morning, I sigh and head downstairs ATTEMPTING to make breakfast for me and Igneel.

(If you wondering where happy is, he and Carla finally got together)

"Try it, you might like it"

I say putting a cremated pile of scrambled eggs in front of Igneel.

"... What is it?"

"Scrambled eggs"

"They use to be..."

I sigh and spit it out when I have it myself.

"Why don't we eat at the guild today"


I dress him and we make our way toward the guild with Igneel on my shoulders.


sitting alone in an empty room, the building was abandoned and no one had been there in what seemed like decades. I sit in a chair holding my head screaming.

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