Chapter 6

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Totally ignoring my wishes and instruction he chases after the Vulcan determine on seeing me in his arms again, after following the trail of my scent he arrives at a large cave with a Vulcan dancing round me and Lucy chanting 'WOMAN', Natsus eyes stare at the oversized monkey in rage "GET AWAY FROM HER" he shouts making his fist collide with the Vulcan.

After battling the Vulcan and discovering it was Macao we support his weight carrying him traveling back to the guild, I give natsu a smile and go to touch his hand. Making not even a single glance at me he moves his hand away, my heart shatters going into shock for the first time in my life I felt alone even though I had the guild. Holding in tears we get Macao into a carriage as we all hop in.

As soon as we start to move both me and Natsu feel sick, I put my head against Natsu then find myself getting pushed away. Shuffling into the corner I soon fall asleep. When we arrive I wake up to Natsu shaking me awake then walking away. Still feeling a little sick from the trip I follow behind Natsu, Lucy, Macao, and Happy they all walk in the guild, I stop at the doors of fairy tail and turn walking away toward the giant blossom tree sitting down while against the base.

I bring my legs up against my chest closing my eyes to prevent tears from falling, hearing someone approach me I open one eye checking to see who it is. I open my eyes wide and lookup seeing Natsu standing before me looking down into my eyes as his are filled with multiple emotions anger, rage, sorrow, broken, sadness. He clenches his fists and teeth controlling his breathing to calm down.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH dare you tell me to abandon you, you should know that I will never leave you behind. So don't you ever EVER tell me to leave you!!!!!!” he looks at me finally realizing what he'd done and tears pour down my face, he's never raised his voice at me like that before. Natsu drops to the ground and pulls me into his lap making my legs wrap around his waist and chest pressed up against him.

I snuggle up against him tears stain his vest "promise me...please promise me!" His voice sounds unstable I glimpse at Natsu shocked to see tears forming in his eyes, he stares at me and buries his head in my neck and hair "I'm sorry...I'm so sorry" he whispers in my ear trying not to cry. Running my fingers through his hair I stroke the back of his neck, Natsu presses his forehead against mine and puts his hand under my chin as our face inch closer with our lips almost touching.

"Hey Natsu" we snap out of the moment we were in and see Lucy run toward us, Natsu get to his feet and helps me up. "That reminds me, look what I found" he reaches into his pocket handing me a piece of paper showing a quest with the prize money 200’000 jewel just to steal and burn a book from a guy called 'duke everlue' "look here" he whispers while pointing out that duke is searching for blonde maids.

We turn and face lucy with a quest "hey lucy wanna go on a quest with me and y/n tomorrow?" Knowing it means this is her chance to be with natsu lucy jumps at the idea "yeah sure I'd love to" "that's great here take a look" I say handing her the paper she finally see the part how a blonde maid is wanted "WHAT THAT'S NOT FAIR" I giggle "too bad celestial wizards cant go back on their word", "see you tomorrow" Natsu and I run off home.

Walking through the doors quietly trying not to wake up Happy "I'll see you tomorrow" natsu whispers tucking a hair behind my ear as we walk into separate bedrooms. That night in bed unable to fall asleep I just lying there feeling empty inside and alone even though natsu was in the room next door and we made up I felt disturbed.

Reaching for a match I light my bedside candle and pick it up walking out my room into natsus he opens his eyes and lifts his head a little watching me, I place the candle beside his bed while he opens up his blankets allowing me to lay beside him with my head resting on his pillow staring into his eyes having his arm wrap around me so our chests touch and his resting on my head. And pulling the blanket over the 2 of us.

The sun glares at us through his window waking me up my eyes flutter open staring into Natsus, startling me as I realize I'm on his chest with 2 muscular arms around my body. I try to move but only hear a deep growl coming from Natsu making him hold me tighter and move me to lay next to him with our faces almost touching.

Knowing I'm not gonna be able to get out of his grasp I give in and rest my head in his neck holding onto his body for comfort. Making me fall asleep again, I soon awake again after a few minutes later seeing natsu staring at me brushing hair behind my ear running fingers through my hair.

He gets up leaning on one elbow staring down at me "we should start to get ready" getting out of bed he kisses my forehead and walks out of the room. I sit there in shock touching where he kissed me he's never kissed me before...what's going on with me what am I feeling. He peeps his head through the doorway "you coming or am I gonna have to kidnap you and carry you out of bed" he smirks "kidnappers usually take their victims to their home or a secret base, but unfortunately for you I know every base you have" I laugh.

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