Chapter 21

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I wake up to a knock on the door groaning I rub my eyes and turn going to answer the door.
I feel two arms wrap around my waist pinning me to the bed refusing to release me.
"Natsu...let go"
"No" he buries his head in the crook on my neck groaning sleepily.
"I need to answer the door"
"Leave it, they'll leave soon"
"What if it's important"

He sighs and sits up yawning
"You stay here I'll see who it is, but your mine when I return"
He pulls himself up out of bed walking across the room.
"NATSU!" I whisper angrily
He turns around surprised
"What's wrong?"
"If you're going to answer the door put some pants on you baka"
He looks down and scratched the back of his neck.
"Sorry, forgot about that"
I roll my eyes and mutter under my breath.

He slips on some basic sweat pants and answers the door seeing lucy
"Oh...hey lucy what's up?"
"I need to pay to rent and I was hoping you'd join me on a mission...just this once"
"Sorry but I don't feel comfortable leaving y/n and Igneel alone"
"But I need to pay rent"
"Can't you ask grey, erza, wendy or another guild member?"
"I don't feel comfortable going alone with one of them, besides your my best friend"
"I'm not sure besides if I did go id wanna talk to y/n about it"
"I'll come back this afternoon to see your answer"
"*sighs* fine, see you then"

He closes the door and heads back to bed collapsing next to me.
"Who was it?" I ask opening one eye
"Ugh...what did she want"
"She wants me to join her on a mission"
He leans on one elbow and looks at me from above.
"You gonna join her?"
"And why is that"
"Because I'm gonna stay here with you and Igneel, and I am busy"
"Don't what?"
He smashes his lips against mine sliding under the covers throwing the sweat pants on the ground, one of his hands roam my body running his hand along my smooth skin.
"We should wake up igneel" I say trying to control my breathing as he lays hot kisses down my neck and bite mark.
"Why not?"
"Because I'm busy, besides he can sleep in for a little longer"
"I'll make you a deal"
"...I'm listening"
"Let me wake up igneel and tonight when we put him to bed we can do whatever you want"

He paused for a moment in thought
Reluctantly he gets off of me growling with annoyance.
"C'mon, let's go get him"
He takes my hand kissing me on the forehead, we walk into Igneels room seeing him fast asleep. Natsu picks him up out of bed and smiles at him
"Time to wake up buddy"
"I'm hungry" he whines immediately while yawning.
"Always thinking of food, like father like son. I'll get some breakfast ready"
I walk into the kitchen smiling to myself overhearing nastu trying to dress Igneel.

"Breakfast is ready" I call out hearing to two rush towards the kitchen in excitement.
"So what should we do today" I mention while spoon-feeding our now two-year-old son
"I told you, I'm staying with you and igneel today"
"We should take him to the guild"
"Sound great, then after we can wander around town"
I nod happily finishing my breakfast.

Natsu kicks the guild doors open with our son sitting on his shoulders laughing and tucking gently on natsus hair which was basically identical to his although he had the same coloured eyes as me. I notice lucy in the distance running over to me and natsu, she still flirts with him and does that annoying giggle I've always hated. During the whole time we've been together lucy had stayed the same but nastu often ignored her and walked away when she started making him feel uncomfortable while frequently refusing her go near igneel. I kiss him on the cheek and walk over to the bar chatting with Mira.

"Hey Natsu, wanna go on a job my rents due tomorrow"
"No thanks, I've got plans"
"But I need a strong fire wizard to come with me"
"Maybe next time"

He turns his back and walks away heading in my direction towards the bar. I feel someone hug me from behind making me laugh and turn to face him noticing lucy glare at me and exit the guild looking over her shoulder at me.
"What you talking about?"
"Nothing much"
"Let's go"

We walk out the guild holding Igneels hand, we walk around and play in the park till it starts to get dark and Igneel starts to fall asleep. I pick him up and the three of us start to head home, seeing our house up ahead natsu suddenly stops.
"You ok Natsu?"
"I left something at the guild"
"Do you want me to come with you"
"No, don't worry about it, you take Igneel home and I'll run over a get it but don't worry I don't be long"
"Alright see you at home"

He kisses me and runs directly towards the guild urgent to get back home and see me ASAP. I open the door and put our youngster to bed pulling the blankets over his body, I smile at him and head towards our bedroom as I wait patiently for Natsu to return but end up falling asleep without him beside me.

The sun glares through my window and straight onto my face I open my eyes yawning looking next to me to my surprise Natsu was nowhere to be seen. I walk in the kitchen and still no sign he must be at the guild waking up Igneel I get dressed and walk toward the guild holding onto his hand gently. Opening the doors I see Natsu chatting to lucy happily, I tilt me head in confusion and walk over.
"Hey Natsu"
He turns his head looking at me looking confused.
"Oh hey, are you new to the guild?"
"Natsu it's me y/n..."
"I'm sorry but have we met"

Sorry for this being such a boring chapter, I'm just building up the story.

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