Chapter 9

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The next morning we trudge through muddy water taking a short cut to the guild, with Natsu holding me bridal style making sure I don't get wet and noticed I got little sleep last night he was determined to carry me in which he didn't give me a choice. With lucy sitting in her clock spirit and Natsu being the only one getting wet it didn't bother him once cause it meant he could watch you peacefully sleep in your arms distracting him as if he was in his own little world just the 2 of us.

After walking through the murky swamp we arrive at a dirt track "why don't you do your own walking for a while" "because I'm tired" the clock responds translating for lucy "oh brother" soon I open my eyes silently yawning I see a smirk on Natsu's face "where are we" "go back to sleep I'll wake you when we get to Magnolia" "I'm not tired" I try to get to my feet but Natsu swings me over his shoulder before I can escape his grip "oh no you don't" he laughs carrying me.

"Why can't you carry me I'm tired besides she wants to walk" "that's an easy answer its because the reaction on her face is priceless and it annoys her" he grins cheekily "plus shes way lighter that you" Natsu says quietly" "HEY I can still hear you!!!" Lucy yells.

After say please and threatening him multiple times I finally convince Natsu to put me down "awwwww fine, your no fun" he says placing me on my feet and snickering causing me to roll my eyes at his stupidity. A bush rustles next to me triggering protective mode in Natsu as he leaps attacking someone.

2 men jump into the air fighting and land before me and lucy in a battle stance "hey look its grey, what's he doing here?". "what's he doing wearing nothing but his underwear!!!" Me and lucy watch as they argue and butt heads.

"What are you doing here"
"Trying to find a bathroom" he replies glaring at natsu,
"Why would you strip down before you found one and who the heck ever heard of a bathroom in the middle of the woods"
"I wanted some privacy I didn't expect an idiot to barge in"
"I didn't barge in!"

"Ok, ok we get it now kiss and make up so we can get a move on" "what! There's no way I'm kissing this ice freak" "no need to be embarrassed" I tease. "Fine I'll just have to kiss someone else" grey glares at natsu trying to get on his nerves, grey grabs my waist and holds me close to his face well...this is uncomfortable I get dropped and land in Natsus arms as he punches the side of greys face making the popsicle drop me "you ok" he looks at me and I nod in return "don't touch her again!"

The 4 of us sit on a cliff ledge as I hold a fishing rod in hope of catching something "so you're on your way back from a job?" Grey turns to lucy "yeah, there's a short cut through these woods that'll get you back to town in no time" "we already knew so go on home and we'll smell you later" growling at Natsu grey stands up frustrated "fine I will, and unless you want trouble you should too" I tilt my head "why do you say that?" "Cause erza's due back any time now".

A shiver goes up my spine and natsus mouth drops open "THE erza, she's like one of the most powerful female wizards, I can't wait to meet her. You know I've never even seen a picture of her in sorcerer weekly what's she like?" Grey, Natsu and I stare at the ground
N: "...scary"
G: "wild animal"
Y/n: "a vile beast"
N: "more like a monster"
G: "Maybe even a little scarier"
Y/n: "I bet she could take down a mountain in a single kick"
N: "it would be at least 3 mountains"
G: "no need to exaggerate it's more like 2”

We look over at a petrified lucy "even if she can kick down a single mountain...still scary" "it's like I said, we should get back before erza does" "crap let get moving" I and Natsu cling on to each other scrambling to our feet. "We should be home by nightfall hopefully well get there in time before erza kills us" "then we better hurry". "Yeah and while we're there we can pick out another job" "its gonna be night when we get home so it'll have to be the next day".

The sun goes down setting in the distance and a full moon takes its place "well we finally made it to magnolia, we should all head home and get some shut-eye" they all nod at me and natsu wraps an arm around my waist smiling as me "let's go home". Lucy taps Natsu on the shoulder getting him to look at her "do you live close by" he nods in response "yeah, over in the mini stone house at the edge of town to be exact".

"well my house is that way and I don't wanna travel alone in the dark, can I crash at your place" her eyes sparkle obviously flirting with him making her look a little too desperate. "Ummm I dunno its kinda crowded" he scratches the back of his neck, "why don't we walk you home" I suggest, a stone-cold look is flashed at me and she smiles at Natsu. "I feel safe around you so I guess that'll do" when natsu looked away I was pushed aside with her taking my spot beside him, "hey Natsu I'm gonna head home and check on happy" quickly reach for me he manages to grab hold my arm "come with us it won't take long then we can walk home together" he whispers. I shake my head it's ok "We're going to have a talk when I get home" he says seriously.

I nod and begin to walk home alone I know I sound selfish saying this but I regret bringing lucy along with us to join 'fairy tail' i miss the days when it was just me and Natsu or me, Natsu and Happy. Walking through the front door I hear light snoring coming from the 3rd room peeking in and seeing a sleeping Happy.

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