Chapter 31

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Lucy steps out from behind the curtains dressed in a don't two-piece barely covering her breasts. Wendy and I make awkward eye contact looking away from Lucy.

" I look good or what"

"Hmmm yeah..." Wendy mumble awkwardly

"Why don't you wear it tomorrow" I say struggling to get Lucy to shut up and change back into her regular outfit.

We soon finish shopping walking out of the shop with our new swimsuits, we head back home preparing for tomorrow.

"I should be getting home, Natsu and Igneel are most likely waiting for me"

"Bye, don't forget about tomorrow"

"Don't worry I won't"

I wave goodbye smiling and turn walking towards home. Opening the front door and closing of behind me I see Natsu waiting for me and pulling me into a hug nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck.

"What are you doing?"

"Your mine"

"Says who?"

"Says me, your mine and I am yours"

I shiver as he places hot kisses on my neck.

"So did you and Igneel fine what you were looking for?"

"Yep, now stop trying to change the subject"

I'm lifted off the ground and placed on the kitchen counter letting out a light moan as he runs his tongue along my mark.

"I doing wanna wake up Igneel"

I see a smirk appear on his face and he inches closer to my ear.

"Then better keep your screaming to a minimum"

I whisper/yell silently

"You said my name louder than that last time"

I roll my eyes and flash a grin shaking my head.

"Your disgusting"

"No, I'm not"

"Uhu sure~~~~"

"Be careful what you say"

"Pfffff bite me"

"I can do that if you want"

"You are so annoying"

"When am I ever annoying"
He says pretending to act offended.

"I need to see if we have enough groceries, so move"


He picks me up bridal style and speed walks toward the bedroom closing the door with one foot giving me a toothy grin while I just cross my arms and raise an eyebrow along with a small smile.
The next day we all meet up at the train station waiting for erza, up ahead we see a figure pulling a cart stacked with random items and suitcases.

"Found her"

Mira, Levy, Gajeel, Lizanna (Lizanna is good in this) had decided to tag along with us when they overheard Lucy blabbering about her new bikini, from the way she looked at me I knew today she would be trouble but who doesn't like a challenge.

"So are we all ready to go?"
Erza says looking at us

We give her a quick nod and board the train

"No, you can't make me"

"C'mon Natsu it's only a 20-minute trip"

"No, I'm nod boarding that death trap and there's no one who can make me"

I give him a death glare and point to the train.

" or else"
I say glaring at him

"Pfffff or else what"

I raise an eyebrow signaling what I meant causing him to literally leap onto the train.

He squeaks

Feeling rather proud and satisfied with myself I board the training and sit next to him allowing his head to rest on my lap with my fingers running through his salmon hair.

"So Erza, you looking forward to the water park?"
I mention trying to spark a conversation

"Yes, I've picked out the perfect swimsuit"

"Is it the one we helped you decide on yesterday?"

"Yep, I've got it packed with me and I'm guessing you'll be wearing your new one"

"Yeah, just wait till you see Igneel though, I was quite surprised in Natsu's choice for him, for a guy who wears the same style almost every day he did well"

"I'm looking forward to seeing him in it, I'm guessing he'll look rather cute/handsome"

"Yeah, I haven't seen him in it either but from the looks of it, it's gonna be adorable"

"I guess we'll soon find out"

With train soon screeching to a fault Natsu jumps out the window while the rest of us behave like normal citizens and step off with the other passengers.

"Well what are we waiting for"
Wendy cheers excitedly

"Look there it is"
Levy points to a large building up ahead while clutching onto gajeels arm.

We all walk through the entrance and look around in excitement, I quickly look at Igneel who was sitting on Natsus shoulders and his face was priceless.

"Well what are we waiting for"
Lucy squealed

With the males heading left to change and the females turning right the day would be an interesting one indeed, Lucy puts on her bikini making Wendy and I once again feel uncomfortable with the size and fit on how much skin she was showing just the view of it like how all it basically did was cover her nipples and a small area around.
Once Wendy, Erza, Lucy, Mira, Lizanna, Levy and I finish changing we walk out the change room to meet up with the boys, gajeels body tend up and he swallowed hard when Levy stood before him soon leaving with her hanging off his arm causing Erza and I to share a look and smile.
Two arms suddenly wrap around my waist and someone buries their head in the crook of my neck turning me around and smashing his lip against mine licking my bottom lip as we break apart.

"You seem happy"

"That's cause I'm with you and might I say you look---"

I press my finger up against his lips

"I know your gonna say something extremely cheesy so save yourself the embarrassment"
I giggle and give him a quick kiss

Little did I know from the distance Lucy had her eyes locked on us she may have been pretending to be friends or have gotten over the fact I won him over but the more she watched us over the years the more envious and determine she had become.

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