Chapter 15

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The next morning I get up finding myself under a tree with soft grass underneath me, turning over I come face to face with a sleeping natsu and 2 muscular arms around my waist. Still feeling a little tired and seeing the sun just starting to rise I move in closer snuggling up to his warm cozy chest noticing arms around my waist tighten accepting a kiss on the forehead helping me soon fall asleep.

Someone gently presses their lips up against mine me instantly becoming conscious, I open my eyelids looking deep into a pair of Onix eyes getting lost in them as if I could never escape without his hand in mine to guide me, him being my lantern through the dark lighting up the path ahead.

"You ok" he says running a thumb over my lips "yeah, you're here with me so why wouldn't I be" sharing a kiss he rests his head in the crook of my neck mumbling something "I can't hear you" "I said, I'm looking forward to next month" in my ear "whats next month?"
"I'll be able to call you my own, and officially be apart of your life connected as one"
"I'll be waiting patiently"
"I realize I'm selfish asking this but please I don't want to live witho---” I one finger against his lips and kiss him tenderly.


The season was finally upon the dragon slayers along with others feeling a spark of romance, erza and jellal had been acting suspicious of late though no one dared asked what was going on that is unless they wanted a good beating. Gajeel had been sticking to levy with both of them disappearing for long periods of time.

"Hurry up or erza will kill us"
"Pffff I don't care"
"That's what you said last time and I spent the rest of that afternoon wrapping you in bandages"
"I'm way stronger now there's no way she could beat me up"
"Want me to tell her that?"
".....I'm sure she's busy, we don't need need to let her know"
"C'mon let's go" he takes my hand quickly walking toward the guild.
"Is someone grumpy?"
Picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder he turns right running in the wrong direction.
"Hey, the guilds that way!"
"I've decided we're not going to the guild" he replies with a mischievous smirk plastered on his face.

"Then where the hell are you taking me?"
"That's for me to know and for you to find out"
"You're so annoying"
"You know you love me"
"... I do, don't I" smiling back at him "but seriously where are we going" "you'll find out soon enough" he stops running and puts me down "seriously...".

He presses our foreheads together gently "you mean the world to me y/n...never forget that, when I look at you my heart goes crazy, in this life all I need is your love" "all I need is your love, Natsu Dragneel your one I need, and our life together is just getting started"

"Now remember when you wore your battle outfit for Jason to see"
"Seriously, you're still hold that against me"
"Don't forget that day you did defy me, so what am I gonna do with you"
"Learn to live with it"
He smirks "that's not my style"
"I see, and what is your style Mr. Dragneel?"
"Would you like to find out?"
Putting his hand under my chin making me look him in the eyes "I can show you".

I put my arm around his neck feeling his soft hair "sounds tempting, you may know this already but I am a very curious person". He kisses me passionately messing around with my hair, one of his hands starts to roam down from my neck and touch my right breast. I instantly smack his hand away
"bad Natsu"
"I'm gonna see them eventually, its gonna happen pretty soon"
"Maybe...if your lucky"
"I've always been a lucky person so I'll be counting down the minutes"

He scoops me up off the ground and wraps my legs around his waist giving me a devilish toothy grin.
"Do you love me?"
"You know I do"
"Then why did you remove my hand?"
"Because I can"
"Is that so?"
"You should know that"
"Then why don't I change that"

"What are you implying?" I raise my eyebrow "hush" locking his lips with my hands start to roam up under my shirt "not a chance" "should we go inside?" "I can live with that" he kisses my jaw walking towards the front door booting it open with a smirk.

He carries me into our house eyes locked on one another my legs fastened around his waist, slamming the door shut with his foot.

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