Chapter 12

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My eyes glow blue and purple electrical energy swarms around my body, I land leaving a dent in the ground she watches as the purple energy seems to sink into my skin and swarm around my fists and arm "I'm all charged up now!". "VIRGO go---" I interrupt and target both Virgo and lucy with a combat attack "storm dragon! WING ATTACK" a direct hit creates a large blast of crackling purple magic.

As the smoke and dust clears Virgo vanishes back to the spirit world and lucy picks herself up off the ground realizing her clothes are ruined "sorry I think I overdid it". My battle outfit turns back into my original clothing " WHAT THE HELL Y/N" she storms toward me "THIS SHIRT AND SKIRT ARE BRAND NEW" "why did you wear them to a battle then? Besides you told me no holding back, well fun fact that first attack was a warm-up"

"Lucy I want you to hear me out, you started this war but I will be the victor now you can either give up now and we can pretend to be friends or go to battle...the choice is yours" she crosses her arms "you better put on your amour then" with that she flicks her hair and walks toward Natsu. I was done getting Natsu to fight my battles besides I think this I'll be fun...its about time me and lucy did some female bonding, sorry lucy but you pissed off the wrong dragon.

After an entertaining morning of destroying lucys clothes Natsu and I make out way toward the guild while lucy went home to change "so what were you and lucy talking about?" "I thought you had dragon hearing" "yeah but I wasn't concentrating" "well that's your problem baka" I ruffle his hair running to the guild before he could catch me. "It on" he sprints after me resulting in me letting out a shriek running faster seeing the guild ahead.

Just as I thought I was victorious natsu tackles me to the side resulting us landing on a grassy patch under a tree.
"Caught you" he says puffing while pinning me to the ground, "did you really think I'd let you win?" Holding my chin forcing me to look in his eyes
"Can we go pick a quest now"
"What! Why?"
"Because I'm comfy"
"I don't care, now get off"
Leaning down close he puts his lips up to my ear "what are you gonna do about it?".
"you're annoying"
"Well, you'll just have to live with it"
"I don't have a choice now do i"
"Sorry to tell you this but you stuck with me whether you like it or not"

He leans closer to my face when footsteps are heard coming round the corner "Natsu where are you?" We quickly separate and he sits next to me making it look like we have just been talking. "Hey Natsu, I was just looking for you, anyway I was wondering since my new clothes got ruined I'm going shopping, which means you have to come tell me what looks good on me" grabbing him by the wrist dragging him along and of course natsu grabbed onto me not wanting to suffer alone.

We sit out side the change room waiting for lucy to come out
"ugh its been forever how long have we been sitting here" he whines
"its only been....oh 10mins"
"What's she doing in there that could take 10mins man women are confusing"
"I never take this long...."
"Your a dragon that's different"
"How the hell is that different"
"I dunno it just is...females take longer to get ready"
"ok 1 I'm a female and 2 stop being sexist"
"...... it's true"
"Shut up.....baka"
"Hey, what I do"
"Answer this what is a female"
"Someone with boobs"
I glare at him "I have a pair and fact, men can have em too"
"Women cant breath fire or purple lightning, dragons can"
"Fine then your not a man also some women can breathe fire and not even use magic (he he he)"
"HEY, i am too a man!!!"
"Men cant breath fire, dragons can"
"Shut up"
"Oh stop being a b---”

"ok I'm coming out, hey natsu you ready" she opens the curtains reveling in a tight bikini a little too small for her. I and natsu stay silent feeling uncomfortable "it a swimsuit" I facepalm "he's just tired now why don't we go to the guild an----" I freeze, "hey y/n you ok? What's wrong?" Natsu shakes my shoulders and I bury my face in my hands
"I just remember about tomorrow...jasons coming"
"what!, ugh I hate that guy"
"just grin a bare it."
"Wait...jasons coming, from sorcerers weekly!"
I sigh *yeah* "he comes over a few times a year and interviews some of the well know wizards in the guild"
"I hate that guy"
"Tell me about it, hes always writing bad stuff about us"
"All he writes about is how destructive we are and what we've demolished".

We watch in confusion as lucy squeals in excitement "when he sees me I might get to be in the pages of sorcerers weekly as a model." Natsu chuckles and looks at me in the corner of his eye
"I remember 2 years ago Natsu beat him up pretty good.
" Really, why"
"I was asked to do a season of swimsuit modeling and Natsu didn't agree with it so they did a season of me modeling in battle outfits"
"It wasn't my fault"
"He was only trying to fo his job, besides you did have to kick him in the face"
"He said it was coooooool"

The next day Natsu and i arrive at the guild noticing most of the girls (including lucy) were putting on makeup, doing their hair and putting on dresses.
"Im glad I'm not this desperate"
"You're a guy, guys don't need to dress up like females, mainly cause they can't be bothered"
"How come you're not obsessed with dressing up?"
"Because I'm just gonna equipt into one of my storm battle suits"
"Which one?"
"Nope, I forbid it"
"You can't do that"

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