Chapter 50

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We had managed to get released from the infirmary early and were on our way down to the bathhouse each of us with a towel wrapped around our bodies.

"My legs are killing me"
I whine looking at all the unknown bruises I had received in battle.

"I think we'll all underestimate the strength that the creature possessed"
Erza responded as she slowly eased herself into the steaming water.

"That should have been rated S-class"

"It was an unknown creature"

I sigh as I relax in the water releasing all the tension I had in my muscles.

"Do you think the guys are spying on us?"
Wendy whispered

"If they are I couldn't care less, I'm not getting out... I'm too comfy"
I sigh looking over at Erza

"I will talk to them later if we do notice them"

Once again whispering is head making me facepalm, I roll my eyes noticing the 2 of them in the corner.


After Erza, Wendy and Carla leave the bathhouse I decide to stay and sit there trying to remember what happened while I had let the darkness consume me.

"You ok?"

I turn my head seeing Natsu with a towel around his waist.

"You do know that you're in the wrong section, the male bathhouse is the door to the left"

"Yeah I know, but your the only one here besides me, so I thought I'd come to see you"

"...thank you"

He smiles getting in the water and slinging an arm over my shoulder, he cuddles up close pressing his head against mine.

"Are you ok?"
I ask raising an eyebrow

"I'm just happy your safe, I don't know what I'd do without you"

He holds me in his arms taking in my scent.

"We should really be heading back to our room"

"5 more minutes"
He mutters

"Well I'm going back, you can stay if you want"

"Alright, wait up I'm coming"

That night I lay in bed looking up at the ceiling lost in thought.

"You sure you ok?"
He gets up on one elbow looking at me.

"I was just thinking... Why did we stop looking for Igneel, Pandora and Ragnar, they raised us and we just gave up."

"I guess we got carried away and started our own adventure by having a family together."

"I just wish I could see them one more time to see if they would be proud of who I've become"

"Look at me"
He gently holds my chin forcing my eyes to lock with his.
"I bet you anything that if they saw you now they'd be exceptionally proud of the dragonslayer you've become"

"Hey, guess what's happening in 3 weeks"


"It's the beginning of spring"

He flashes a cheeky grin.

"I'm looking forward to that"


On our way back to the guild we walk hand in hand excited to tell Igneel and Ragnar some news we had decided on.
Walking through the doors and hearing Natsu yell 'WE'RE BACK', 2 familiar faces turn their heads smiling at us, Igneel runs over jumping into Natsu's arms while I walk over to levy thanking her and picking up Ragnar.

"Your back!"
Igneel laughs hugging us.

"We have something to tell the 2 of you"
I smile

"What is it?"
Igneel smiles happily

We'll tell you back at the house, Natsu puts Igneel on his shoulders as we walk home, walking through the front door igneel jumps on the couch.

"What is it, tell me!"
He bounces up and down

I and natsu nod at each other and sit beside him with Ragnar still in my arms.

"Did you know that the 2 of you are named after dragons"

"REALLY!, awesome"

"Those dragons raised us and were basically parents to us"
I smile

"They disappeared years ago and no one knows where, so how would the 2 of you feel of going on a journey. The 4 and soon 5 will travel on a journey to find dragons"
Natsu finishes the sentence

"Like an adventure!!!"

"Exactly like an adventure, we want you 2 to make the decision"


"Are you sure? We would be gone for a few years"

"But it's an adventure"

"Alright, well be leaving in 3 days so I suggest you get a backpack ready"

I and Natsu laugh as Igneel scrambles into his room shoving things into a red backpack.

"We've still got 3 days till we have to leave"

"Something tells me he's excited"
I laugh
"Anyway it's late, I think you 2 should head to bed."

Tucking the 2 little dragon slayers in Natsu looks at me smiling happily.

"What are you smiling at?"

He picks me up bridal style carrying me to the bedroom shutting the door with his foot and gently tossing me on the bed laughing.


2 days had passed and the time had finally come, the guild was already informed on us leaving and all our bags were packed and ready to go.
We were overjoyed when we heard the news Happy, Carla and e/n (name of their kid) were joining us, we never expected it especially since Carla was attached to Wendy.
Waving goodbye and hugging everyone promising we would return in a few years or when we find our dragons.

"Ready to go?

Happy shouts as Igneel copies him

We all head to the train station beginning our journey.

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