Chapter 36

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Where the hell am I?

By now the truck had stopped moving and someone was coming round back to unload me from the truck as if I were a package... Well technically that's what I was, I was currently being delivered to my buyer's home.
The back doors unlock allowing sunlight to pour in, I squint my eyes as they adjust to the sudden change of light.

"Welcome home"

A strange black-haired man with glasses and a red suit appears in front of me with a large mansion before me.

"Yes, you'll do nicely... What's your name?"

"... Y/n, why do you care!"
I growl

I spit at his face smirking

"I warn you, your gonna regret buying me"

"Oh I don't that, you belong to me now, I paid good money for you"

"I BELONG TO NO ONE... Well that's not entirely true"

"And why do you say that?"

"Because I already belong to someone!"
I snap aggressively

"And who might that be?"

"Like I'd ever tell you geez, I'm not that stupid"

He looks at me with a scowl and wipes his face with a handkerchief.

"You need to learn to obey me Y/n, and from now on call me master"


"Bring her with me"
He says coldly to 2 workers

I'm brought into the large house struggling to break free

Curse these fucking restraints

I'm brought into a strange room that was cold even for me.

"Now that your magic is blocked you can no longer use your fire like body heat"

"so what are you planning?"
I ask showing no fear"

"Chain her to the wall"
He commands the 2 who had managed to lead me here

I'm chasing facing the wall wondering what he had in store, I look over my shoulder seeing a whip in his hand with tiny razor-like blades blended into the whip.

Shit, Natsu where ever you are please... Hurry

"How many do you think is a fair amount"

I shrug and growl

"I will never give in, no matter how much you hurt me... You have to kill me first"

"Is that so? Well looks like we should do somehing pretty extreme"


I get strapped down into a metal chair with my hands behind my back.

He pulls out a needle filled with a purple liquid and smiles at me

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