Chapter 11

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"So who do you think will win" I laugh giving lucy a slap on the shoulder "don't tell Natsu I said this but Erza's gonna mop the floor with him especially if she uses her fire express amour" just as I say that she equips into flame empress "well he's dead" glaring at me lucy shout to natsu "y/n doesn't think you have a chance at beating erza but I know you can do it!"
"What the hell is your problem lucy?!" I whisper in anger
"I just wanted to let natsu know I believe in him"
"Well don't bring me into it"
"you don't have to get angry"
"Yeah, because you ran your mouth off when I told you not to tell him!"
"It's not my problem"
"I don't know what's going on with you but you can just gather your bitchy attitude and shove it right up you're a----"

"Round 1#" master shouts with erza and natsu throwing fire attacks to one another, Natsu manages to throw a few hits but by end of the match she had completed obliterated him. "I told you luce" walking over to a bruised natsu I crouch down next to him "well I think that was rather entertaining" "oh hahaha" I giggle and stick my hand out helping him up carefully and sitting him down on a bench. "I'll be back with some ice".

Returning with ice and a damp cloth I make my way back to Natsu seeing Lucy by his side, I take a deep breath calming myself and walk up the 2 of them with Lucy sitting to natsu left. Taking place on his right side I hold an ice pack to his chest "hold it there" I place his hand on it then put the cloth on his forehead while cleaning the wounds he received during the match. "I told you it was a bad need to train more" giving me a tired toothy grin I shake my head laughing "your impossible, do know that right? Anyway why don't we every day go into the forest and train like we use to when we were kids".

I get a nod and roll my eyes "we can start tomorrow morning then afterward we can go on a small quest together with happy"
"I can come too, we can all train together a get stronger as a team"
"Are you sure you want to come were pretty aggressive when training"
"Yeah, I'm basically in your league only im a Celestial wizard"
"Dragonslayer magic is way more different than what you think"
"But I've seen you guys battle so I know what your magics like"
"What you saw was nothin"
"Well, I'll come to support natsu so he gets confident and strong"
Lucy and I have a mini argument but in the end I hand my head in frustration and notice Natsu fell asleep "...fine, tomorrow morning in the woods, I better take Natsu home "oh I can come" "you don't have to c---".

We walking Natsu home being tortured by lucy running her mouth off we FINALLY get home, opening the door struggling carrying him in on my back and laying him on his bed. "I will stay with him, you can go home", I raise an eyebrow unimpressed with her behavior "I am home... I live here".

She stares in shock and an angry glare stabs me, "ok that's it, what do you have against me...why do you hate me" "I don't hate you all I want is for you to distance away from him only a little so I can be with him but you guys can still be friends" "... I think you should go" "but..." "Get out!!!" I clench my teeth looking down at my feet hearing to door slam shut by a pissed off lucy. Looking over at Natsu's room I walk in looking a the pink-haired boy sleeping.

Sitting on the edge of his bed I look down at him sleeping peacefully, in a quick flash before I can process what happened I feel his arm around me holding me tight and my back against his chest soon falling asleep next to him his head buried in the crook of my neck "y/n" Natsu mumbles in his sleep.

I wake up the next day having natsu stare at my face, almost touching it.
"I'm hungry"
"I don't wanna get up yet"
"too bad" he picks me up bridal style carrying me out of bed "now get changed...or am I gonna have too"
"ok, ok get out"
"but what if someone jumps through the window and tries to snatch you up, how am I gonna fight them off if I'm not in here" "nice try but not a change"
"worth a try"

After a complicated moring involving an annoying cheeky Natsu, we run to the forest hand in hand laughing like idiots tripping over each other giggling like drunks. "Hey, guys" we turn seeing lucy almost forgetting she insisted on coming,
"so lucy you wanna get stronger? Well then try winning against a storm dragon"
"Alright then bring it on, just you and me"
"If you insist".

Walking into the forest we all get to a large opening me and natsu recognize from earlier years, "alright lucy, any rules you want to be set?" "No holding back" "I was hoping you'd say that, hey Natsu you know what to do" "aye-aye". "3...2...1 BEGIN", "let's do this" I clench my fist, "open gate of the maiden VIRGO" a smug look is given pissing me off "my turn..." I smirk speeding towards her making black/grey storm clouds gather only in the area directly above us "here's a little storm dragon slayer demo I've been saving just for you" thunderclaps echo above with purple flashes appearing inside the cloud, I jump up into the air when large purple energy (similar to lightning but more powerful) Swarms around me striking through my body changing my clothes into a storm energy battle outfit for the correct climate.

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