Chapter 35

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Natsu picks the rich scumbag up off the ground by his collar and held him up in the air bringing the man's face up close to his.

"What did you just say to her!..."
He roars in anger

"I didn't say anything"
The man says terrified

"I heard different and if you ever touch, speak or even look at my girl again I'll rip out your tongue do you understand!

" y...yes I understand, just please don't hurt me"

"Oh you thought I was just gonna let you walk away, I've got something fun planned for you"

Natsu lit his fist on fire and all that could be herd after that was screams of pain and agony coming from the man.
The collar around my neck started to dig into my skin making me let out a silent yelp in pain, Natsu immediately turns his head in my direction and rushes over to me getting on his knees in front of me pulling me in for a hug.

"Y/n, I was so worried"

He snuggles his head in the crook of my neck not daring to let me go.

"Oh I almost forgot, I've got something to tell you"

Getting a long kiss he looks into my eyes putting a hand on my cheek.

"I'm listening"

"I found out the gender of the baby"

His body goes stiff then picks me up bridal style

"Boy or girl?"

"Well you wanted to name the baby after one of my parents so... In a few months Ragnar will be apart of our family"

It... It's a boy"

I smile and nod looking away

"And don't worry I haven't told Mira yet"

He turns my face making me face him as I get I pair of lips smashed against mine.

"Did you hurt you?, are you ok?"
He says slightly worried

"It's ok I'm fine, though I can get this thing off my neck or wrists"

"Here let me try"

He puts me down and closely examines the collar and restraints around my wrists.


before he could turn around he's aggressively knocked out by the same sleep spell and a baseball bat to the head, he drops to the ground.


No movement comes from his body, I could still feel the heat from his body which was a good sign.


the men look at each other with a raised eyebrow and smile at each other.

"We'll make you a deal, if you cooperate with us THEN we will just leave him here unharmed HOWEVER if you DON'T cooperate then he will die"


"good, then listen up... From the looks of It, it seems your buyer is unable to take you home so you will be put back on the market but moved to a new sale location"

As expected they placed a bag over my head and everything went black, I was soon woken up by loud chattering as the same scent filled my nose only it was way stronger which meant way more people.

"Well, your awake seems news got around your back on the market, we've got a full house tonight"

"... Fuck off"

"No need to be like that, now when it's your turn don't forget to smile"

"Go to hell"

"Now don't forget our deal"

With a deadly glare I sigh and hang my head in defeat, the bag is taken off my head and once again I'm grabbed by the chain attached to the collar around my neck. I'm shoved through a door making me stumble forward and find myself on a replica stage only this one was way bigger being able to contain X4 the number of customers.

"Welcome back everyone, once again we have a very special item"
A voice through a speaker says

"Feast your eyes on the 'storm dragonslayer', this beautiful creature has a feisty nature and great for those who like a challenge, someone to have fun with or just a great item for someone's collection"

The buyer's gawk and chatter among themselves while the rest were wiping away the blood running from their nose, just standing there I felt disgusted.
I knew deep inside Natsu wouldn't stop looking for me and that one day we would reunite but the problem was when and would it be too late.

"Starting the bid at 2'000'000J"

The sound of buttons being pressed and yelling fills the air










"20'000'000J. Going once... Going twice... and SOLD!

This must be a rich area, the price was double this time
I thought to myself

Before I knew if I was in the back of a truck being taken away, after being in the truck for what seemed like days I had absolutely no clue where I was and I had a feeling Natsu was thinking the same thing.



I got up rubbing the side of my head grasping my hair attempting to overcome my dreaded headache.

Wait where was I, the last thing I remember is... OH SHIT Y/N!

I look around my surroundings with no sign of y/n, I pause for a moment then flinch. There it was... In the air I could barely make it out but no doubt about it, it was y/n scent, I couldn't properly track her due to its weakness but it was enough to guide me unless she was moved to different checkpoints then that would make it difficult but I promised myself I wouldn't give up and without hesitation I began my journey in search for y/n.

(By then Natsu had informed Erza and asked her if she could watch over Happy and Igneel)

I'm trying my best to make it interesting, sorry if you think it's shit

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