Chapter 45

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"Welcome back Natsu, I'd like you to meet Ragnar"

He freezes and just stares softly at the young dragonslayer sleeping soundly in my arms.

"Would you like to come over and see him?"

He nods slowly with his eyes wide and locked on the child, he carefully sits beside me on the bed leaning against the backboard.

"Would you like to hold him?"

He nods slowly looking into my eyes and I gently place Ragnar in his arms as he slept wrapped in a blue blanket.
A wide smile takes over and a tear rolls down his cheek as he stared at his newly born son.

"He's beautiful"
He says silently

"Should we show him to Igneel now?"

"I'll go get him"
He says kissing me gently while passing Ragnar to me

I watch as Natsu disappears out of the room and soon return holding Igneels hand.

"We have someone we want you to meet"

Natsu picks him up and sits him next to me so he can get a better look.

"We want you to meet Ragnar, your brother"
I smile as he grins at his new brother

"Can I hold him?"

"Alright but be very careful"

Making sure Igneel was sitting with his legs out in front of him, I place little Ragnar in his arms.

"He looks kinda funny"

"You looked a little like that when you were born"
Natsu says ruffling Igneels hair

We all crowd around the child overjoyed that he had finally come into the world.

"I wonder what he's gonna look like when he gets older"

"I'm not sure but something tells me he and Igneel will get on great"
I say smiling down at Ragnar

"I'm just happy we have a 3rd bedroom all set up so the Igneel won't get woken up by the crying"

"Hey dad"


"When Ragnar's older, can he sleep in my room"

We smile a each other as we look at Igneel

"We'll see"

I smile as Igneel carefully passes Ragnar back and waves goodbye running away to his room giggling.

"I think it's time we put Ragnar to bed"

We both get up and quietly open the door to the newly decorated bedroom.
Setting Ragnar down and tucking him in we both say good night walking into Igneels bedroom.


"Igneel, stop trying to feed your brother dirt!"
I tell annoyed from the window watch the 2 boys laugh.
"Hey Natsu"

He comes rushing down the stairs half dressed
"What's up?"

"Could you please go into the back yard and stop Igneel from trying to feed Ragnar dirt, it's time for breakfast"

He fast walks to the door leading to the yard and calls out announcing breakfast is ready.

Both of them brighten up and Igneel rushes in trying to carry Ragnar but ends up gearing assistance from Natsu.
I was already 3 weeks in with a 3rd child... A female who Natsu wanted to name Pandora, Igneel and Ragnar now shared a bedroom due to the crying when we separated them at night.
Ragnar was surprisingly looked like an exact mixture of me and Natsu while Igneel mainly had Natsus looks.
He had h/c spiky hair and a face similar to Natsus but with E/c eyes and showed extreme sarcasm which obviously came from Natsu.
I had only told the 3 of them last week that I was carrying again and that I think it was going to be a girl, Igneel jumped out of his seat and ran around the table while Ragnar just fell asleep having no idea what I was talking about, I had no idea how I had gotten pregnant due to it being Natsus job to take care of the control but it happened anyway, I was still overjoyed by the news though. When Natsu heard the news and I raised an eyebrow at him smiling his face said it all and how he obviously planned it from the beginning.
Everyone seemed happy with the news, the guild had a party, the 4 of us had a mini party at home and Natsu and I celebrated privately in the bedroom, it was a good week.
I placed down 4 large plates with food and waited for them to take a seat, Natsu and I sat beside one another across from Igneel and Ragnar.

"He dad?"

"What's up Igneel?"
I smile looking at the 5 nearly 6 year old.

"How come baby's take so long to arrive...where do they come from?"

Natsu almost spat out his food hearing the question and I watch his face go red.

"Yeah Natsu, tell him where the come from"

I had told him I didn't want Igneel to know until he was at least around 8-9, 7 at the earliest, so I was interested in what excuse or story Natsu was going to tell. He swallowed hard and looked at me mouthing 'help me' which I just snickered and looked away continuing to eat.

"Ummmm well..."

I try not to laugh as he shoots a glare

"Umm...a...a bird delivers the kid to us"
He crosses his arms proud of his story

"Then why is mom stomach huge and your always touching it or putting your head against it"

This time I shoot a glare warning him to be careful what he say about me.

" building up information to what it should look like"

I look at Natsu raising my eyebrows as if to say 'really...that the best you could come up with'.

"But it's a secret so you can tell anyone, not ever Gajeel and Levys kid 'Lilly'"


Thank you BeccaAnile for helping me pick the name for Gajeel and Levys daughter.

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