Chapter 19

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I burst into the guild puffing attempting to catch my breath, looking behind me I dive under the bar hiding in the corner. Mira looks at me in confusion but I respond by putting my finger against lips indicating to be quiet, soon after I hide under the bar Natsu bursts into the guild puffing while frantically scanning the room and sniffing the air.

I hug a barrel of alcohol crossing my fingers it would hide my scent, not daring to move or make a sound I crouch in my hiding spot underneath the bar close to Mira's legs facing the corner.
"Where is she!" He growls aggressively at the guild members with fire in his eyes, not daring to anger him everyone points to the bar, I peep up over the counter seeing all fingers pointing at me and Natsu sprinting toward me.
" bastards, traitors, assholes"
"Come here"
"You're going back to bed"
He gets closer and looks down at me
"You need rest, I will carry you"
"Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way"

I growl at him but the next thing I know he grabs my ankles and is dragging me out the guild doors "SAVE ME" the doors shut behind us.
"This is the 8th time this week you've left the house"
"Yeah, cause I'm bored shitless"
"If you're that bored then I can stay home with you"
"You already do, and you're always staring at me, you're like a vulture"
" should feel honored that you have a strong wizard like me to watch over you"
"There's a big difference between 'watch over' and 'stalker'."

He drags me all the way home and picks me up carrying me through the door and placing me onto the bed. "I'm going to the bathroom" I get up from the bed walking across the room
"ill come"
"Pffff no way"
"Because I enjoy my privacy at times, no stay here"
"Ugh fine, but don't take to long" he pouts.
"Don't rush me"
I close the bathroom door and scramble toward the blurry looking window (those ones that only allow light in), carefully opening it I step out FREEDOM. "Y/n? You ok in there" SHIT! I silently run as quickly as possible running toward a large mob blending in with the locals.

"Y/N!!!" hearing him in the distance I scurry into a shop noticing him fly past, I sigh and vacate through the door, skimming the signs as I wander down the footpath cheerfully I stroll around for roughly 2 hours purchasing things to keep me occupied when locked away, feeling guilty I decided to finally go back home to stop Natsu from worrying. True it was irritating on how he never let me out of his vision or go outdoors without supervision but overall I was touched on how committed he was to keep me safe.

"IM HOME" I call out while parking a few bags on the ground and expecting 3 deliveries, a head pops around the corner of a doorway and scrambles over wrapping his arms around my neck. When I get a better look at his face shame loads up inside me noticing his hair a tangled mess and eyes all red and swollen with dried tear marks on his cheeks, I gently hold his hand a lead him over to the bedroom laying down on the bed with him joining me. "I'm sorry... I never meant to upset you this much" he sniffs and nuzzles my neck burying his face.
"You need to understand you can't lock me up in here 24/7" silence fills the room
"in future I'm joining you, I don't want you outside by yourself"
"Alright, how about I get to go outside 5-6 times a week BUT you accompany me at all times"
He gives a slight nod and puts his head up to my stomach "only 2 months left" he says glowing.
"Oh I failed to mention, I know what we can name him" this captures his attention making his head instantly look up at me "tell me!" I chuckle
"you don't have to get so enthusiastic besides... it's a surprise"
"I'm on please"
"You owe me!"
"Since when?"
"For abandoning me and sneaking away"
"Ugh fine"
"So what is it!!!"
"...igneel..." I say quietly.
"you mean a..after my father"
"What do you think"
A large smile stretches across his face

We soon both fall asleep awakening to a knock at the door "hey Natsu I'm expecting 3 deliveries, go answer the door" I say grumpily from waking up "but I'm comfy" he whines "Natsu...." "*Sighs* fine" he tumbles out of bed plummeting to the floor
"oh shut up"
Getting a glare I hear the door open and faint voices, Natsu enters the room carrying 3 large packages,
"What you get?"
"Just some merchandise for the nursery
"Like what?"
"Open it up, you'll see"
He violently destroys the boxes tossing the scraps aside. A smile appears on his face as he examines the parcels "I was hoping you'd like them I grin.

Laid out in front of him was a crib, (and 2 other decorations of your choice), "I was intending to assemble the crib so it would provide me with something to do while I'm locked inside. Glancing back at me with a smile he gives me a wink "can I help?"
"...maybe, I'll think about it"
"Why are you so eager?" I laugh
"It gives me an excuse to spend time with you...working and accomplishing something together"
"Well... I can't say no after that speech...alright"
"Also FYI you don't need an excuse to spend time with me"
He immediately flashes a cheeky grin raining an eyebrow.
"Is that so"

Getting up off the floor and crawling into bed and between my legs his hands either side of me while he hovers over my body "I like the sound of that", he presses his soft lips against mine and whispers something in my ear affecting a shiver to go up my spine and a wicked grin streak across his complexion.

Please let me know if you're enjoying the series, if so I will happily continue to make new chapters regularly.👍

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