Chapter 18

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He just stares at me in shock not moving a muscle, I stare back into his eyes feeling petrified of what could be running through his head. "Please...say something don't just sit there saying nothing. After 5 minutes of Natsu sitting and saying nothing other than looking at his hands I get up from my seat unable to take the pressure of his look, turning around and walking into the bedroom.

Regretting that I mentioned it I lock the door behind me and sit on the mattress as tears poured down my cheeks without me making a sound. A knock at the door made me jump in fright, refusing to open it I put a sheet over my body hiding even though I was the only one in the room. The knob wriggled indicating someone was attempting to enter, "... Y/n..." I dare not respond "y/ the door" he whispers still not responding I lay down with the covers over my head healing myself from the outside world.

He kicked the door open after what seemed to be 50 attempts to get my attention, "y/n...look at me" getting no reaction he lifts the blanket off looking down at me. "Go away" I silently mumble "no...i'm not going anywhere" he hauls me into a hug burying his face in the crook of my neck. "My y/n..." I look into his eyes struggling to figure out what was going on inside that big head of his.

I turn my head avoiding eye contact, I couldn't bring myself to look at him...why wasn't he saying anything?. He holds my chin and turns it so I was confronting him, "please...don't" before I could finish my sentence he traces his thumb over my lips before going in for a kiss. It was different this time...instead of it full of passion, lust, longing or love this kiss was gentle and comforting exposing a delicate side to him.

"Y/n" he speaks tenderly "..." I don't speak no, words could come out, his reaction was so confusing and I still did have a response was he happy, sad, angry or upset. "Y/n...look at me" my eyes eventually bring themselves to look at him "I'm sorry" his eyes widen at my words "why are you sorry?" Burying his head in my chest I notice a small smile "boy or girl?" a muffled voice says
"not sure"
"When will you know"
"16-20 weeks"
"When will he/she co---"
"9 months"

"Hey Natsu...are you ok with being a father?" He lifts his head up and holds my face in his hands "y/n... I wanna go through this with you" he shows a little smile "I thought you were unhappy or angry" I say quietly, he chuckles "come with me" he put his hand out waiting for me to take it
"where are we going?"
"It's a surprise"
"Tell me"
"That's it" he picks me up bridal style walking out the door.
"Where are you taking me?!"
"As I said before, it's a surprise"

He runs along the street with the guild in the distance up ahead, getting closer I look at Natsu with confusion.
"What are we doing at the guild"
"You'll see"
He puts me down and kicks the door open "HEY EVERYONE" he yells catching everyone's attention, jumping up onto a table he looks back at me and winks then faces the entire guild "IM GONNA BE A DAD!!!".

Almost dying of embarrassment I sneak towards the bar and take a seat facing Mira.
"Something tells me he's excited about having a kid".
"You should have seen his reaction"
"You need to tell me everything, don't leave anything out!"
"He took the news strangely"
After telling her everything including his freeze-up when I first told him.
"So he just froze!"
"Yeah, literally his face was as pale as snow"
Natsu fast walks toward the bar hugging me from behind and immediately getting a hard slap across the face from Mira.
"What was that for?!" "That's for upsetting y/n".

she slaps him again leaving a red mark.
"that's for freezing up"
"That's for not giving her an immediate answer"
"that's for kicking down your door"
"That's in case I forgot to mention something".
I watch Mira slap Natsu while drinking a f/d, and nibbling on f/s.
"y/n she's hitting me"
"Yes, I can see that"
"Make her stop"
"It's not up to me...besides I'm tired"

Mira instantly stops hitting Natsu and crosses her arms at him.
"If she's tired why can't you carrying her home?"
"She only told me just now"
"And your still here!"
Putting her hand in the air preparing to slap him again but before that could happen I get picked up instantly and rushed out the guild doors at the speed of light, I flash him a smile relaxing in his arms the rest of the journey home.

Natsu lowers me onto the bed carefully as if I were made of glass.
"*sigh* you don't have to be like that"
"It's my job as a dragon dad to protect my mate and child"
"True, but I however I still need to exercise and leave the house so I don't die of boredom".
"it's to dangerous"
"You can't lock me on the house for 9 months"
"What if you get kidnapped"
"Then I'll let you accompany me"
"Argue with me and for the next 9 months prepare for no sexual activity"
"OK win"

I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower allowing the water to heat up while getting changed, I turn to close the door coming face to face with Natsu causing me to shriek.
"When did you get in here"
"I was behind you the whole time"
He shrugs and gives me an annoying smile causing me to roll my eyes.
"Alright... Now get out I'm gonna have a shower"
"Why do I have to leave? We've showered together hundreds of times, not including the times we've had sex while showering"
"But we don't shower together ALL the time"
"Well I'm not leaving, besides you could slip and die"
"If I agree then no talking"
"*sigh*...fine, you better not be like this for the next 9 months now get rid of that smirk on you face AND REMOVE YOUR HAND"

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