Chapter 23

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I drop to my knees y/n...Igneel where are you? I run my fingers through my hair trying to think where she might be.
Dashing out the guild I speed towards the park in desperation to see my wife/mate and child, finally arriving I look around.
where else could she be...THE FIELD!
Once again I start running not caring about how tired I was or how much my legs hurt the only thing keeping me going was the hope of finding the love of my life and my child.

After spending the whole day searching for the two I head home praying they will be there waiting for me,
Please be home... I can't live without you.
Arriving at the entrance I close the door behind me.
"Y/n?... Igneel? home"
Someone knocks making me jump and fly towards the door with the hope that y/n is behind it, I open and see lucy standing before me
"What have you done"
"What are you talking about?"
"Where's y/n..."
"Y/n? How should I know, now c'mon let's go back to my place you look tired"
She reaches for my wrist wrapping a hand around it, I stare down wide-eyed in fury at her hand making contact with my skin, I instantly heat up my body as if inside was a boiling volcano.

Lucy squeals loudly holding her hand in pain with tears in her eyes attempting to bare the pain throbbing from her hand large red blisters covered her palm as well as it being red and raw as if the skin had melted. She rushes in past me and runs her hand under cold water, she dares enter my home...the only place where the scent of y/n was, hang on! I though scent...SCENT of course why didn't I think of it before!!!
"Lucy get out" I growl walking out the door. She follows me out and I shut it behind me before focusing once more on the one scent I cherished.
I'm on my way y/n.

I pick up her scent down the path and continue to run through the night with the street lights lighting my way. Her fragrance stops at the train station making me frown,
why would she be on a train...without me, we always travel together?
A small flashback suddenly hits me I was running after her and watching her leave on the train but I didn't follow her, Lucy and I just watched the train disappear into the distance, wait...LUCY WAS THERE what was I doing with Lucy?. I run to buy a ticket and find the train she went on.
"A few days ago a girl with h/c hair, e/c eyes and a kid with salmon hair bought a ticket, do you know where they went?"
The lady sitting at the booth nods and smiles at me.
"Yes I remember her she was traveling with a little boy with pink hair"
"Can u please tell me where they went?"
"I'm afraid I can't tell you sorry"
"WHAT... Why?"
"It is private information"
"Please I'm begging you I'm the father and husband... I'll give you anything"
"Can you give me their names"
"Y/n and Igneel Dragneel"
She sighs hesitantly and nods
"You didn't hear this from me but if you take train 2 leaving in 5min it should take you there"
"Thank you"
Without thinking twice I jump on the train sitting by the window looking out into the pitch darkness usually at this time I would be sitting in front of the fireplace next to y/n with a blanket wrapped around the two of us or we'd be in the bedroom 😏.

The train came to a stop and everyone got off while I jumped out the window and immediately picked up her scent chasing after it as the sun began to rise. To my surprise I stood before sabertooth guild, "Y/N...YOU HERE" I yell concerned kicking the door open
"Natsu? What are you doing here?" A female approached me with a confused look on her face.
"Please I'm looking for someone who goes by the name of y/n she has a little kid with her"
"Oh...y...yes I saw her here yesterday but left she apparently left early this morning on a quest"
"Do you have a copy?"
"Right here"
She hands me a faded piece of paper reading about a simple quest to deliver a large package.
"Thank you"
"Good luck, I hope you find her"


Sabertooth treated my ok...not great but good enough, I kept my fairy tail guild mark and had it covered while I got a sabertooth stamp on my hand there was something inside me that couldn't let go of the f/c coloured mark I got at the same time as Natsu, my son and I had recently picked out a quest mainly to get away from an annoying blonde dragon slayer.
"Come Igneel, we must go"
"On a trip"
"Is dad coming with us?"
A single tear falls down my cheek as I
smile at Igneel.
"No...not this time" manage to hold back sniffles and give Igneel a wide smile picking him up draping him over my shoulder holding on making sure he doesn't fall off.


"When is dad coming home from his trip? It feels like forever"
"I'm not sure when he'll come back... but don't worry we're gonna have lots of fun, sound good?" He lets out a small laugh and soon falls asleep snoring still laying on my shoulder. As he snores I think of Natsu and how much Igneel reminds me of him, his hair his smile and even that laugh of his, a day didn't go by where I wasn't thinking about that baka and how he always found a way to bring out the best in me.

"Don't worry I'm sure we'll see him again" though he probably wouldn't know who we are.

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