Chapter 2

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(You and Natsu are both 20-21 yrs)

Happy, Natsu and I sit on the train while Natsu and I have our heads out the window complaining eventually hearing the train whistle. Happy jumps up "finally, common we finally made it to 'Hargeon'" Natsu looks over at me as we both stumble off the train. "I'm never riding a stupid train again" he mumbles while we support each other attempting not to fall over.

Over the years I've grown into an highly attractive wizard and have been in sorcerer a few times which for some reason made Natsu a little grumpy. Though if someone made you feel uncomfortable without hesitation he'd be by your side and get a little overprotective with got annoying but made you appreciate you had someone like him by your side.

Eventually after laying down for 5 minutes were finally able to walk normally, "if our information is correct we should find that salamander somewhere in this town" an excited grin appears on my face "do you think its Igneel, or Pandora and Ragnar" I said tilting my head "well whoever it is maybe they can lead us to the other" Natsu laughs and drapes his arm around my shoulder.

"We've been searching for hours" Happy says with defeat, I sit down beside him while Natsu sits behind me and plays with my
h/c hair "we can't give up now" I pat his back "yeah, besides we just got off the train" "ugh don't remind me". I pat Happy on the head "c'mon if there's one thing I've learned over the years is, you can't give up" I look at Natsu knowing he was the one who taught me that.

I hear a rumble from behind me and laugh as I raise my eyebrow "the sooner we find salamander the sooner we can eat". Natsu pulls me to my feet and gives me a toothy grin, "so you think this salamander guy are your dragons?" "It's gotta be, who else" natsu says while putting his arm around my waist looking ahead.

Up ahead screams of joy and giggles are heard, we all start to run ahead and see a giant crowd ahead screaming 'salamander' Natsu and I immediately look at each other "speak of the devil today must be our lucky day" Natsu shouts as we bolt toward the crowd. We roughly push through the crowd "RAGNAR, PANDORA, IGNEEL" we both shout shoving our way through to the center.

I feel natsu grasp onto my hand "we finally found them" we get to the center and pause "who the hell are you" I say with a bit of attitude. He looks at me a little startled and puts his finger under my chin "well I haven't seen you here before, you are a pretty one" I look at him feeling extremely uncomfortable when Natsu quickly pulls me behind him "she asked you a question" a group of girls violently tackle him to the ground accusing him of insulting the fake salamander. "Who am I you ask? I am the one and only salamander, and you my I'd like to get to know better" backing up trying to hide in the crowd he gets closer.

Someone grabs my arm and tugs me toward them "I suggest you leave her alone" his arm are around me and pressing me up against his chest he glares at the salamander and turns to walk away unfortunately getting tackled again but another group of girls though this time he brought me down with him.

"Guess that wasn't them after all" Happy looks at us a little concerned "definitely not" natsu groans in pain while rubbing his head, "well I guess we're not gonna have any luck today either" I rest my chin on my knees as I bring them up to my chest. Natsu holds me in his arms "don't worry we'll find them, just not today" I look into his eyes and smile as our foreheads touch.

"Who was that guy anyway?" I say looking at Happy "I dunno but he was a real creep, thanks for your help by the way" the 3 of us turn our heads seeing a blonde waving at us.


"My names Lucy by the way, it great to meet you" she sat across the 3 of us while Natsu and Happy shoveled food into their mouths eating next to happy I joined in only ate like a human being. "So Natsu, Happy and y/n wasn't it?" She watches the food fly around the room as the 2 eat like pigs "you can slow down we're not in a hurry, I still can't believe that man was using a charm spell to hypnotize the ladies in town into thinking they were in love with him, if it wasn't for you 3 I wouldn't have snapped out of it".

"Speaking of that how come the spell didn't work on you?" She says looking in my direction, I shrug and continue eating "they say it won't work if you already like someone". I freeze in my seat and my back goes stiff as Happy and Natsu look at me
"I'll be right back", I run out the doors of the restaurant and sit on a crate against the wall leaning my head back.
What the hell is going on with me...Natsus my best friend this changes everything, the spell should've worked on me...why didn't it.

I feel fingers run through my hair "you ok" a soft voice says, I smile and look up seeing Natsu "yeah...I'm ok" he raises an eyebrow and sits next to me as I rest my head on his shoulder "seriously what's wrong" "its nothing" I hear him chuckle "I've known you for longer than that now tell me the truth" he removes my head from his shoulder and holds my chin looking into my eyes. I bury my face into his neck feeling his soft scarf and a hand on the back of my neck.

"It's about what lucy said..." "What about it?" He rubs my back resting his chin on my head, "why didn't the spell work on me?" "Is that all that bothering you? Don't worry about it, it probably because you're a dragon slayer" we sit there for a moment holding each other "let's go eat" "ok" I smile we walk back into the restaurant and Natsu makes sure I'm sitting next to him.

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