Chapter 47

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When we arrive at our destination Natsu jumps out the window kissing the ground beneath him, I stagger off the train almost instantly feeling better seeing my motion sickness wasn't as bad and I had managed to get used to it.

"So which way?"
Grey asked turning to Erza who had a piece of paper in her hand

"We're supposed to meet with the mayor exactly 6 minutes from now, come...we must hurry"

I hear Natsu groan from behind me

"I'm so hungry"

"You literally ate less than 2 hours ago"
I respond while rolling my eyes

We soon stop outside a building in which we were guessing where the mayor's office was, I silently laugh looking over my shoulder at Natsu carrying a large bag containing both of our essentials.

"You look like a sherpa"
I giggle at him

"How come you wanted to bring so much?"

"Because, you never know when your gonna need it"

"I'm only doing this for you, I hope you know that"

"Yeah, I know"
I kiss his forehead and enter the building with the others walking upstairs to the top office.

We are greeted by a receptionist who as we walk past takes a quick look at Natsu but she soon returns to her work when I bare my fangs and stare daggers at her subtly. Opening the door we see a rather short man at a desk hanging up a phone call with stress basically radiating off his body.

"Thank goodness you're here, we've been I need of some help for some time now but not many people have taken an interest to the request I sent out"

"So tell us exactly... What seems to be the problem?"
Erza asks with her hands on her hips

"A creature of extreme strength and rage seems to have been destroying our crops just past the houses, every attack seem to be getting closer and soon I fear he will take out that rage on our town"

We all look at each other and agree, Happy, Carla and Wendy nod, accepting the quest with us.

"Well, we better find somewhere to stay the night, seems we have a big day tomorrow"
Grey said looking at all of us

"We passed accommodation earlier, we can stay there for the night"
I say with a smile

"They also have a hot spring bathhouse included"
Wendy piped in

Erza and I look at each other looking forward to soaking in the warm water.

"I must admit, it's been a while since I visited a bathhouse"

(I'm hoping you all know what a hot spring is, they show one in an OVA episode.)

We arrive at our destination and book our rooms, Wendy, Carla and Happy shared a room while Erza had to share with Grey and put up a divider between them and as usual I and Natsu share a room.
When we arrive in our rooms I begin to undress and put a towel around my body, walking towards the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Erza, Wendy, Carla and I are going to meet up downstairs at the hot spring"

"I'll come with you"

"WHAT!, no way, they have separate areas for a reason, besides you can go with Happy and Grey"

"I'm not going with that ice freak!"

"Suit yourself, you can stay up here and wait till we come back"

"OK, ok...fine"

He takes off his clothes and wraps a towel around his waist walking towards me.

"Like what you see?"
He smirks

"It depends"

"On what"

"I haven't seen Grey yet"

"Well your not going to"

"I'm gonna be walking past him, besides he's gonna have a towel around his waist and he wears his underwear all the time anyway"

"Nope sorry, besides his towel might fall off and just letting you know"
He put a finger underneath my chin making me look him straight in the eye-getting a clear view of his smirk.
"I'm the only man you're allowed to see naked"

"Is that so?"

"Yep, and the same goes for you, only I'm allowed to see you with no clothes on, you're for my eyes only"

"You're being creepy...stop"

He laughs and walks out of our room with me beside him, meeting up with the others we separate by genders and enter the bathhouse.

Erza, Wendy, Carla and I walk through the doors looking around at the deluxe setup

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Erza, Wendy, Carla and I walk through the doors looking around at the deluxe setup.

"I must say, this is impressive"
Erza smiles while entering the water.

Carla sits to the side keeping a close eye on Wendy as she joins me and Erza. The 3 of us relax in the water as steam rises off the surface, but unfortunately the 4 of us didn't pick up the presence of a dragon and demon slayer.

"So Erza, since it's just the 4 of us, when are you and jellal gonna have kids"

Erza's face goes bright red and ignored the question as Wendy and I chuckle.

"But seriously, how are things going between you 2"

The 3 of us enjoy our female topic conversation thinking the guys were nowhere near us.

"It good to finally be able to talk without the guys around"
I laugh

"We should do this more often"
Erza smiles at us as we continue to chat, but what we didn't realize was we weren't alone, until the sound of angry whispering caught our attention.

I freeze in place as Wendy and Clara look around, the look on Ezra's face could kill someone stone dead, I sniff the air and face plant into my palm nodding at Erza confirming that it was who we were dreading. 2 males suddenly appear from around the corner tackling each other throwing punches unaware a scarlet haired mage was approaching them.
With one swing of a first both had been knocked out and we're laying unconscious on the ground.

"At least we're the only ones here today"
I say trying to break the awkward silence.


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