Chapter 29

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After messing around a little on the couch I fixed my hair and walked into the kitchen gathering ingredients to cook dinner for the three of us.
"Hey Natsu, can you go wake up igneel it's time for his bath"
"Alright see you soon"
In the background I hear an annoyed groan from igneel hearing the news that it's bath time.
"How about just for today we pretend you had a bath and not tell mum"
With Natsu forgetting I had dragon slayer hearing I walk onto our room seeing them on the bed, Giving Natsu a glare I tap my foot and cross my arms.
"Are you forgetting I'm a slayer... Which mean my hearing is just as good as yours"
He gulps giving me a nervous smile realizing he's been busted
"I... Ummm... I was gonna give him a bath"
Igneel gives him a cranky look
"But dad~ you said I didn't have to have one and that you wouldn't tel--"
He puts his hand over igneels mouth before anything else could be said.

I walk over a pick igneel up completely ignoring Natsu and walking into the bathroom turning the tap on closing the door behind me still a little pissed off, I was his hair and lift him out of the tub wrapping him in a fluffy grey towel.
"Stay here, I'll go get you pajamas"
I ruffle his heart and his lets out a small chuckle opening the door I come face to face with a certain fire mage giving me a toothy smile, Once again I ignore him and walk past soon returning with sleepwear in my hands.
"Want me to dress him?"
He dresses in a red flame pattern PJ's and runs out the good giggling with me following behind.
"Natsu, go take a shower" I say coldly without making eye contact
"Can't I take one later"
"*sighs*...fine, but have one before bed I'll cook dinner once I've had one"
I shut the bathroom door behind me without saying another word. Putting my hair up in a bun I turn the water on sliding the shower curtain closed, I close my eyes as the water falls on my face I breathe heavily in frustration hearing the bathroom door open.
Natsu steps into the shower behind me wrapping his arms around my waist burying his head in the crook of my neck.
"I'm sorry" he whispers gently as I feel lips brush against my ear.
"Y/n... Please turn around"
I turn my body facing him as our chests touch and his lips connect with mine.
"Please don't be mad... I'm your baka remember"
A smile is brought to my lips resting my head on his chest giving him a kiss on his left bicep lovingly.
"Alright fine"
"Yes~!" He fist pumps and kisses me
"But..." I grab his hair and pull his face to my level close up.
"Do that again and you on the couch for a week" I smirk at him.
"Alright, alright you win... Anything but the couch... But we'd still get to do other stuff...right?"
"That's part of the punishment so the answer to that question is a no"
An unpleasant shiver runs up his spine to the thought.
"Now you being cruel"
"Well if it's that bad then behave"
After having a shower and getting changed I walk into the kitchen starting to peel potatoes.

Two arm wrap around my waist from behind.
"Need help?"
"Well I don't need it but it would be helpful"
"Alright what would you like me to do?"
"Peel these" I pass carrots and potatoes
"So what are we having for dinner?"
"Steak and vegetables"
His face scrunches up at the last one
"Do I have to~~"
"Yes" I say strictly
"...ugh fine"
We finish and serve, I sit beside igneel and chop up his food for him into small pieces.
"Have you seriously finished already?"
Natsu shrugged and smiled
"There's a spare one in the fridge you can have".
"Hey y/n"
"Well" he starts to look a little nervous
"Natsu?... What's wrong"
"I was wondering if..."
I tilt my head and stand up walking to him and holding his shoulders burying my face in his neck
"This isn't like you...tell me what's wrong?"
"Say for example 5 years in the future... How many kids would you see us having?"
I pause at his question
"I never really thought about it before, what makes you think about this all of a sudden?"
"I dunno, just the thought of having a big family with you has crossed my mind but I don't want to force you or anything like that"
I let out a small chuckle
"I don't see a problem with it but I want to take things one step at a time...together"
A smile forms on his face as he pulls me onto his lap
"Don't worry I don't want to rush you or make you uncomfortable, it's like you said 'one step at a time'. But don't forget you have to tell me first the next time your pregnant"
"But you promised"
"I said maybe"
"How come Mira gets to know first"
"Females who are extremely close friends share lots of things that are private"
"Like what?"
"Sorry but that for me to know and for you to never find out"
"What have you told her" he swallows hard and mouth goes dry.
I laugh and shake my head
"Wouldn't you like to know"
"Awwww c'mon"
"Please at least let me know if it was good"
I smirk at look at him
"Guess you'll never know"
"What was it about"
I stay silent and look away hiding an embarrassing smile
"Mira and I share that information with each other, but that's all I'm gonna say"
"If it's about that then you gotta tell me, was it good information you told her, was she impressed with anything you told her how did she reply you have to tell me"
"No, now stop bugging me"
"I have to know~~~"
"Stop bugging me geez"
He silently mumbles to himself and pouts then gives a tricky smile

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