Chapter 20

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Finally, I was up to my 9th month of pregnancy, with the baby due any day and Natsu lingering impatiently all I wanted was to get this over and done with so I didn't look like a watermelon. Mira came round to visit every second day to check up on me and keep me company, the guild mentioned it would be best for me to stay in the guilds infirmary so they were prepared for the new arrival.

I was visited often by members but most of the time I was around excited females, Natsu insisted on staying due to not wanting to miss out on any activity. I strangely wake up in the middle of the night in pain instantly knowing what was happening to me, I look to my left seeing Natsu asleep in a chair snoring away like a chainsaw.
"Natsu..." I gently nudge him on the shoulder.
"Natsu..." The pain was beginning to take its course.
"NATSU!" He jumps 10 feet in the air holding his chest to prevent himself from having a heart attack.

"What was that for?"
"You need to go get Mira...NOW"
"OK ok I'll go get her...wait why do you need Mira wh---... OH SHIT"
Natsu bolts out the door of the infirmary determine to get Mira who was now at the bar cleaning a mug. From what I could hear a commotion was going on in the hall and my guess was that now everyone knew, I jump in fright as Mira bursts through the door quickly walking over to me.
"How are you feeling?"
"In pain"
"Alright it's time"

Natsu was forced to stay outside while only Mira, Lisanna and Levy were able to enter and exit the room I was making sounds indicating I was in agony which panicked Natsu, Erza had to beat him a few times in order to calm him down and stop him from barging in. Hours pass and the guild waits outside nervous with Elfman, Erza and Grey holding Natsu back as he thrashes and wriggles hoping to get out of their grasp and through the doors to be by my side. The infirmary goes silent
"What's going on?"
"Is she ok?"
"Why is there no sound?"
"What's going on?".
Whispers travel round the guild waiting impatiently for news.

Mira walks out alongside Lizanna both of them smiling
" well....."

"It's a boy" they say the same time

The whole guild cheers loudly and celebrates for the newest guild member.
"Hey Natsu...someones been waiting to meet you" more says holding in a squeal in excitement.
Elfman, Erza and Grey let go and laugh watching him scramble toward the infirmary, bursting through the door he hurries over to where I was located turning the corner and seeing what was before him. I was laying there exhausted with a small child wrapped in a blanket beside me, Mira walks in standing beside Natsu
"Meet Igneel"
He stares wide-eyed unable to speak
"What are you waiting for...go say hi".

Walk over and standing beside the bed he looks down at the sleeping child then over at me.
"Wanna hold him?" He nods looking at me and sits down on a chair beside the bed. I carefully place Igneel in his arms and smile seeing Natsu holding his son for the first time.


We had finally come home back from the guild with Natsu carrying Igneel carefully. We walk inside and toward the crib Natsu had to help me assemble, it was all set up with cozy blankets and comfort I smile at Igneel sleeping in Natsus arms as I watch him carefully lay the child down putting a blanket over his sleeping body. We both just stand there in a trance watching Igneel sleep soundly Natsu nudges his head against mine lovingly resting his head in my neck yawning.
"Let go to bed" I whisper delicately in his ear
Responding with a nod we walk hand in hand towards our bed laying down pulling the blankets up over us
"I still can't believe we have a child"
I laugh at his words
"Looks like we're an official family now"
He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in so our chests touch
"That reminds me, I have something for you"
"What is it?"
"Wait right here, don't move"
"I'm too comfy to move"
He gets out of bed and gets something out of a draw
"Sit up"
"Awww c'mon"
"I'm comfy"
"Ugh fine"

I sit up on the edge of the bed looking in his eyes as he sits beside me
"This better be good, now what's up?"
"Close your eyes"
I close my eyes and wait for further instructions
"Put out your hand"
I do as he says and feel him put a small square item on my hand
I open my eyes and look down at my hand seeing a square box liked case opened up revealing a ring.
"I know that being mates is technically the same but instead we mark each other... But I just thought well I dunno" he looks down at his hands and back into my eyes.

I just stare at the ring in the box and up at Natsu
I nod my head happily placing the ring to the side hugging him tightly. He picks me up spinning me around before falling on the bed dizzy, he kisses my forehead before burying his head in my chest.
"Excuse me"
"What" his voice sounds muffled
"Your head is not allowed to be there"
"Because I said so"
"Well too bad because sharing is caring"
"No, bad nastu"
"... I can be bad if you want me to" he gives me a cheeky grin
"Your such an idiot"
"Be careful what you say"
"And why is that?"
"Because I finally figured out the perfect punishment"
"And what would that be...baka"
"Looks like your about to find out"
I laugh as he hovers over me with a naughty grin.

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