Chapter 39

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We got the report from a doctor saying that Y/n and our son were going to be fine and that Y/n was to get lots of bed rest to stable her mind and recover from what she went through. I stayed by her side the entire time and only left to bring back food from the fridge or go to the bathroom, I didn't care about quests... Not when Y/n needed me, soon Igneel was able to seen Y/n again which seemed cheered her up and put a smile on her face.


The first few days back were all a blur, every time I closed my eyes I saw him while remembering each cut it was impossible to forget and every night seeing the scars on my back didn't help. I couldn't bring myself to tell Natsu what I had been through, I'd wake up in the middle of the night sweating reliving the unspeakable. I learned only one thing from that experience... People say they know pain or they act weak when injured but the truth is none of us know the true definition of pain until we realize that.
(we weren't at the guild when the lacrime was shown)

I suddenly sit up in bed panting with sweat running down my body, I had dreamt the same dream over and over and over. I carefully slide out of bed trying not to wake Natsu as I walk to the kitchen, sitting at the table look out the window closes to my seeing the night sky with only the moon providing it with light.

"You ok?"

Jumping in my chair I turn seeing Natsu leaning against the frame with a worried look on his face, his question echoes in my head which causes me to look away not wanting to as answer.


He walks over toe taking a chair and putting it beside mine, I feel his arms wrap around me, letting me hurry my head to his scarf as tears fall down my face.

"Let's go back to bed"
He smiles

Picking me up bridal style I'm carried into the bedroom and carefully placed down beside Natsu.

"Don't worry, you're safe now... I'm here"

I look up at him staring into his eyes, he gently presses his lips against mine holding me tight, I wish I had the courage to tell him what I went through but even the thought of saying it brought up too many painful memories.

It hadn't been to the guild since... The incident happened and Natsu was often passing on messages to me from my guildmates, the only one who had seen me since then was Mira. Mira visited a few times keeping me company trying to convince me to come into the guild and say hi to everyone but I just couldn't bring myself do it. By then I had told Mira everything not knowing she already knew.
After a week of staying home recovering and gaining back some of my sanity I agreed to go with Natsu and Igneel to the guild. Walking down the path feeling the warm sun on my face made me feel a little better and for the first time in a while I was feeling happy, Natsu kicked the guild doors open and all heads turned seeing me, soon I was being crushed by everyone greeting my back. I could see smiles on everyone's faces (except for Lucy).

"Hey y/n, it's good to have you back"

I turn my head seeing Lucy walk over to me with a fake smile stretched on her face.

"Oh....ummmm hi"

I was shocked and extremely suspicious to why she behaved so friendly towards me, Natsu was busy butting heads with grey so I was stuck with the annoying blonde.

"Hey y/n, can I borrow you for a second"


We walk over to a corner and she opens her mouth and starts talking

"I'm sorry what happened to you"

"It's alright, nothing bad happened and that's all that matters."
I say trying to hide the fact I went through hell.

"Nothing bad? Wow you're so brave"

"...what are you talking about?"

"After seeing what happened to you through the lacrime I'm surprised you're ok"


"Yeah we saw how you were tortured and repeatedly got your digits cut off as well as getting a needle in the eye and multiple other things like the centipede in the ear, Ewwww"

" do you know about that?"
I say horrified as images flood back into my mind

At that moment my brain snapped, something inside me changed, no fear, no weakness, no pain. All sanity I had left was eated away by something else.
I press her against the wall looking down at the ground silently laughing len break out lough holding my head in laughter, I stare into her eyes. I could see the horror on her face seeing life drained from mine as if they were a bottomless pit to drown in if you weren't careful, I hold her in the air by her neck.

"It was you wasn't it..."
I laugh and flash her a twisted grin"

"Please... Let go... I can't breath"

"... Beg me for death"
I giggle

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