Chapter 13

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Lucy looks over in our direction watching us have a disagreement.
"There is no way I'm letting that creepy reporter see you like that"
"Almost everyone has seen it during my battles, I use it the most and you never complained about it then" I cross my arms
"It's too revealing"
"If you think that's revealing then look over there" I point my finger at erza standing beside lucy
"I'm still not letting you wear it"
"Bite me"
He raises an eyebrow smirking
"I can if you want"
"Creep" I put my hand on his face and equipped my 'thundering' storm battle suit.

"There is no way I'm letting that creepy reporter see you like that""Almost everyone has seen it during my battles, I use it the most and you never complained about it then" I cross my arms"It's too revealing""If you think that's revealing then lo...

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(Don't judge I just wanted to show you what I imagined it would look like)

"Change back now!"
"No, look around the guild no one cares because they've already seen it during battle"
"The only outfit that would make you happy with is if I dressed up as a nun"
"Not a bad idea"
"Out of the question", look you don't have to freak out he can't do anything to me"
I place my hand on his and rest my head on his shoulder "now calm down". He breathes heavily through his nose and buries his head in my neck "y/n, if he does anything that displeases me I'll beat the crap outta him" "I know".

"IS THAT TITANIA, this is so cooool" a reporter with blue pants, pink shirt and dark yellow hair stands in the doorway of the guild running towards erza. Lucy comes over and stands next to Natsu as we watch him take pictures of her at different angles, "I think he's gotten more irritating if that's even possible"

"This is my chance to get into sorcerer weekly" lucy runs up standing near Jason the reporter "hello there Mr reporter man. I'm erzas teammate Lucy" the 2 of us facepalm watching her attempting to get his attention.
"Hey Natsu, if I ever get to that level in my life just kill me"
He chuckles "I won't kill ya, just beat the crap outta you"
"Oh great~ That makes me feel so much better, but I would deserve it"

We watch as Jason runs around the room interviewing erza, Happy, grey and juvia I laugh as grey starts yelling at him in his underwear in which he instantly turns his head spotting me and Natsu "......shit, he saw us", bolting toward us faster than the speed of light he loses it "cooooooool, Natsu the salamander and Y/n the Basilisk the dragon duo are the 2 I wanted to meet most of all!!!!!

"And y/n is wearing her thundering battle suit! So coooool"
An angry tick mark appears on natsus forehead. He sticks out his trembling hand eager "can I shake your hand", I roll my eyes wanting to get this over and done with though the next thing he did made a certain fire dragon extremely unhappy. "can I get a photo" quickly snapping a photo at natsu, but turning to me as soon as the camera clicked a punch sent Jason flying across the room.

"We're leaving" grabbing my hand I'm dragged outta the guild,
"huh....that went well"
"Very funny"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, ask away"
"Why are you sooooo concerned with me being on a magazine"
"It's not like that"
"What do you mean"
"Sorcerer's weekly is sold in many different cities and... I don't like fact that millions of people will see you in an outfit like that...even if it is a battle suit"
"It's alright, if it makes you happy from now on when Jason's around I'll dress normally"

We walk around town hand in hand arriving at the edge of the forest, getting picked up bridal style he takes me into the forest finding a large open area coated in fresh green grass with an oak tree smack in the middle creating a shaded zone. Getting put down I walk across the clearing, noticing Natsu staring at me without hesitation I get trapped. back up against the tree while natsus muscular arms on either side of you, he leans his forehead against mine stroking my cheek "y/n...." I look deep into his eyes, the world seems to slow down making me feel as if we were the last people on earth "yeah?" "I...i just have to tell you that I'm so embarrassingly in l---" "Natsu!, I was wondering where you went" lucy skips toward us.

"Hey Lucy, could you please leave us for a few minutes I just gotta tell y/n something important"
"You can do it later but right now you and I are going on a picnic together"
"Wait! What! but I nee---"
"it's all set up so let's go, see ya later y/n"
"But lucy we need to bring y/n"
"Today we can have fun just you and me while getting to know each other"

Natsu pulls out of her grip looking down at the ground "I'm sorry lucy but the only chance you have in me going is if y/n joins, and not as a third wheel" "but Natsu I ---" "it's getting should head home" tears fill her eyes and roll down her cheeks "I.. I guess I'll see you tomorrow *sniff*" we watch her turn and disappear into the distance. "Hey natsu, what did you try to tell me before?"

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