Chapter 51

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The guild doors gently open reviewing 2 mature adults, one male one female one with a kid on his shoulders hold the hands of 2 others walking either him
The female with a child rest on her hip holding the hand of a boy looking a bit older than the rest but not by much.

As the walked in they come into clear view revealing the 2 wizards with 2 children who had set off on a journey only 6 years ago, welcomed with hugs and joyful tears fussing over their wonderful children. Letting go of their hands letting them greet the rest of their family the 2 mages hold hands as she feels his arm around her waist looking over at him he smiles at her.

"Welcome home"

If i told you about them,
what would I say?

that they lived
happily ever after?

I believe they did.

That they were in love.

That they remained in love.

Im sure thats true.

But when i think of them the only thing that comes to mind is a poem, written by someone in love hundreds of years ago.


'Unable to perceive the shape of you
I find you all around me.
Your precence fills my eyes with your love
It humbles my heart
For you are everywhere'.


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