Chapter 22

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"Natsu...what are you talking about"
He tilts his head in confusion then notices Igneel.
"What's going on?"
I look over at Mira as if I was a complete stranger, everyone in the guild scratches their head mumbling who I was. My body froze and I ran to everyone each asking for answers but they all just shrugged and looked away, I fall to the ground in defeat as past memories flash through my mind like when I first met Natsu, the moment in the field, becoming natsus mate, telling him I was pregnant, the birth of Igneel and when he gave me a ring. What was happening was like a nightmare or ink stain that affected my life.

Tears run down my face as I feel Igneel hug me, Natsu stands up from his seat and walks over putting a hand on my back.
"Are you ok?"
"What's wrong?"
"You don't remember me do you?"
"I'm sorry but I've never seen you before"
My heart shattered the one person who never left my side and was always there for me was now a stranger. I cold Igneels hand a quickly walk out the guild seeing nastu and lucy together laughing.

As we both enter the house I grab a large backpack and start shoving clothes in it I go help igneel with his bag packing important essentials.
"Mom, where are we going?"
"Anywhere but here"
"What about dad"
I pause not knowing what to say
"He's busy, now I'm on let's go"
We both hurry toward the train station, I quickly purchase the tickets and wait for the train to arrive.
"WAIT!" I hear someone call from behind seeing Natsu rush towards us he stops in front of me with much catching up behind.
"I never got your name"
It's "y/n, y/n dra-- l/n"
I see the train pull up and look down at Igneel the back at natsu with a sad smile.
"Goodbye Natsu"
I turn to walk away when I feel a hand on my shoulder, I turn my head and give him one last look.
"Thank you...for everything" to his surprise I gently kiss him on the lips then look down at igneel
"Let's go"
Before I could take another step I feel something collide against my head making me fall to the ground.

I look up seeing lucy above me frowning.
"Don't ever kiss my boyfriend again"
Scrambling to my feet I run onto the train holding igneel leaving magnolia. The train stops allowing me and igneel to get off, since the only way I could think of getting jewels to buy food was to join a guild I decided to join another guild. It was all moving so fast but I had no choice the only guild I thought was a good choice was named sabertooth I knew I was in the right area all that was left was for me to find it, Civilians past me when I stop one to ask a question.
"Do you know where sabertooth is?"
"Yeah, it's just down that way" they point ahead as I return the information with a thank you.

After a little more walking I arrive and stand before the doors getting a mini flashback from when I first saw fairy tail. Swallowing hard I put it igneel down and hold onto his hand opening the door. Heads turn in my direction eyeing me up and down a well build man with blonde hair walks up to us, welcome to sabertooth.
"Hey...I'm y/n"
And who the little one
"This is igneel"
"So what can I do for you?"
"I was hoping to join your guild"
He pauses for a minute then gives a smile.
"Sure why not"

I've been with sabertooth for three days now with Natsu constantly in my head remembering his toothy grin or the way he touched me feeling his warm body against mine. The only thing that kept me together was igneel, looking after him and brushing he spiky fluffy pink hair in which reminded me every day or his father, sabertooth was nice but nothing compared to fairy tail because I knew deep inside that fairy tail is and forever will be my true home.



I wake up yawning feeling someone lying next to me making me smile, I wrap my arms around her and bury my head in the crook of her neck absorbing her scent. Something was wrong this scent it wasn't y/n I open my eyes and see LUCY I was sleeping next to her in her room I spring out of her bed frantically, how did I get here what happened I tried thinking about what had happened last night but my mind was blank it was as if all memory of the past three days had vanished. Lucy looks up from the bed smiling at me "morning"
I stand there awkwardly
"What am I doing here"
"What are you talking about?"
" did I get here, where's y/n?" I growl

We've been together for ages, and who's y/n"
"...what did you do" I glare at her aggressively
She swallows and smiles
"Why don't you come back to bed"
"WAIT...WHAT why would I do that, I'm married"
"What the hell lucy, what's going on?
Y/n must be worried sick...OH SHIT Y/N"
I run out the door straight towards our home barging in
I run into the bedroom but no sound of her and igneel all that was left were scattered clothes on the floor. I start to panic and run through town.
I run to the guild kicking the doors open painting hard sweat running down my forehead.
they all shake their heads
"Something happened to all of us, we can't remember anything within the last three to four days.

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