Chapter 48

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Overall the bathhouse was nice, Natsu and Grey were unconscious for most of the time and woke up when the 3 of us were walking out the doors toward our rooms, I could hear Grey getting yelled at by Erza in the room across from us while as for Natsu as soon as he entered the room I turned my back to him.

"Hey Y/n"

Before he could wrap his arms around me I step out of the way.

"Don't, 'hey Y/n' me!"
I tap my foot glaring at him
"You know what you did was wrong and you expect me to brush it off that easy"

He looks at the ground rubbing the back of his neck

"Even Happy was more mature than you, what was going through your mind when you decided to spy on us?!"

"We just wanted to see what you were talking about"

"There's a thing called privacy, learn to respect it!"

"I'm sorry, ok"

"Your sleeping on the floor tonight!"

"I said sorry..."

"Wait here"
I exit the room and knock on Erza's and Greys door

Erza answers greeting me happily and we arrange and agreement, Grey is shoved into Natsu and my room while I share with Erza.
That night arguing was coming from the room but it eventually stopped cause of Erza knocking them both out.


Erza, Wendy, Carla, Happy and I wait in the lobby for the 2 slayers to arrive.

"They're late..."
Erza says impatiently looking fairly annoyed.

I was still annoyed at Natsu and Grey for what had occurred last night at the bathhouse but I had calmed down a little since then.
We hear arguing as Natsu and Grey hurry down the stairs blaming one another.

"We're running late, let's get moving"
I say walking towards the exit

2 arms around my waist stopping me from taking another step.

"Let go..."

"No, not until I am forgiven"

"Ugh fine, I forgive give you...happy now"

"Prove it"

I sigh and turn around facing him and gently press my lips against his for a short moment, then turn and catch up with the others.

"That's it?"
He says walking beside me

"Keep on complaining and I'll kiss Grey"


"Then stop complaining"

We arrive at the checkpoint where the unknown creature was due to strike next.

"Now what?"
Happy asks along with Carla

"I guess we wait"
Grey replied

It wasn't long before that we heard a roar coming our way with heavy footsteps shaking the ground as it approached us. A large orange tanned thick long-necked creature emerges into view towering over the trees, he had sharp fangs and 3 razor talons on each hand. He stood on 2 legs with pitch-black eyes and a roar that could flatten trees if it were any louder.

I yell in disgust

"Looks like our job"
Natsu smirks

"Don't get too cocky, we're not sure what this thing is capable of"
I snap

Erza equips and charges dodging the beast's powerful jaws, Grey moves forward sending a few attacks of his own making a direct hit until a mighty swing of its tail sends his smashing into a tree.

"Shit, this isn't good"
In a flash I change into one of my battlesuits bolting forward and jumping into the air casting a storm dragon roar along with Natsu beside me yelling fire dragon roar.
The battle was continuous and nothing we did seemed to slow the creature down Grey had been knocked down and injured but kept on fighting Erza had a deep gash in her arm from the edge of its talon, while Wendy was off to the side unable to fight anymore, we were all running out of magic every and we're hoping a miracle would happen.

I scream

Before he could turn around a powerful smack of it paw sent him to the ground.
Everything was blurry and I watch while I fought as each of us get defeated and smashed into the ground, a paw sends me smashing into the ground as I yell in pain lying close to Natsu who currently was struggling to move.

Natsu shouts in terror seeing my body hit the ground.

He takes us down, one by one we fell drained from our magic, I fall to one knee my body weak and screaming in pain, I look around me seeing each one of my comrades/friends/mate. Lying on the ground struggling to get up but collapse in the process.
Natsu crawls over holding my hand tight check if I was ok, I still had just enough energy to get to my feet as I begin to get on my hands and knees.

"No y/n, stay down"

I ignore his words and get to my feet, drained from magic energy they knew that if they didn't do something it would be all over.
I watch the large creature let out a monstrous roar making eye contact with me sending a talon in my direction, prepared to use the rest of my magic to block am horrified to see Natsu shove me out of the way taking the attack.

I scramble over to him kneeling beside the fire dragonslayer who was currently knocked out cold with injuries not even wendy could fix.

Looking around I knew that I had no choice, I didn't want to admit it but it was life or death, I was afraid but more afraid that the lives of the people I loved would be erased.


"One day you're going to need me and I will be waiting patiently for that moment, i'll always be with you...even when you can't sense me"

"I will stay in control!"

"Don't you want all that pain to go away, it's eating your insides...isn't it"

" hurts"

"I can make it go away...all you have to do is ask and together we can become one, free from weakness from pain from suffering"


"Think of what we could accomplish, we could go back to the guild and use it to protect, the power flowing through your body...through our body will be immeasurable"

"Would the pain stop?..."

"All you have to say is...D/n"

(Dark/Name, pick a name or word you want to say when you want it to take over)


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