Chapter 8

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We sit inside a huge mansion across from a fancy looking man "my names gaby melon please to meet you" "wait did you say melon" "oh man you have a tasty name" we get a glare from lucy and shut our mouths. We soon leave the mansion after getting told the details like to burn a book called 'Daybreak' and that the prize had been raised to 2 million.

We stood before a big gate being the entrance to the everlue mansion I push lucy in front of the gate while me and Natsu hide in the bushes "cmon get him to hire you" I whisper from behind a tree. "Ummmm hello? I heard you had an opening for a maid position...hello?" A hole opens up behind her and a giant lay with pink hair looks down at lucy "so you're a maid? I assume you're here because you saw the ad in the paper" a short man pops out of the ground and looks at lucy examining her "I'll pass, now scram ugly"

I hold in a laugh and watch as lucy walks towards us looking miserable and embarrassed "well at least we tried" smiling cheekily I tap Natsu's shoulder "you thinking what I'm thinking" smirking and giving me a nod we grip hands "plan T" we say at the same time. "Yeah that big fat jerks gonna pay for this, wait whats plan T?" "It's simple" "Take em by storm" "that's not a plan!".

We all get up on the roof with lucy clinging onto Natsus back "you really need to practice climbing" "well excuse me y/n I'm not a monkey you know" "oh wow I didn't realize until now sorry, and thanks for letting me know" "that's not funny". I watch natsu heat up a glass window melting it to unlock a door from the inside "you know this isn't really taking by would have been easier if I busted in with fire and y/n with storm then took over the building and find the book" "we would have finished the quest by now if we did that, but lucy had to whine about it being illegal" "I told you I'm not going to jail because of you! So just be quiet like a ninja" "ninja" me and natsu look at each other.

Silently the 2 of us silently run through the door natsu managed to open and hide against the walls TRYING to be sneaky "hey guys wait up" she whisper shouts but of course being caught up in the moment Natsu and I ignore her. We look in a bunch of different rooms with no sign of 'Daybreak' sneaking through the halls we dash around in hope of finding a library, a small herd of maids jump out and attack "NINJA POWER" a powerful punch is thrown by Natsu knocking away all but one. Lunging into the air we both get squashed underneath her giant body. Lifting her off us we throw her aside still acting like foolish children.

After searching high and low we open the doors to an enormous library, Natsu puts me on his shoulders and runs toward a bookshelf "you look at the top I'll look at the bottom". Scanning each row of books "ohhhhh y/n this ones got lots of pictures" "look a book on fish, I bet happy will die finding out that we found this one" "both of us spot a glowing book "check out this one its sparkly" Natsu holds up a golden glittery book "pretty".

"Hey could you both focus and try looking for the bo---" she gasps " its daybreak" "Natsu you found it!" I hug him "I did?!", "Yes, 2 million jewel here we come" "you know lucy its not always about the money besides this is fun" I high five natsu.

As we go to light the book on fire lucy grabs the book wanting to keep it and with one thing leading to another ending with the mansion falling to the ground in front of us. "I like your style Lucy, out with a bang" natsu nods in agreement "yeah your definitely gonna fit in at fairy tail" "but I didn't want to destroy anything, I hope I don't get blamed for this"

Handing the book to gaby lucy begins to explain the secret behind daybreak "WAIT! BURN IT!?" I feel Natsus grip tighten understand his feelings "... I was" he lets go of me and grabs kaby by the collar "its the last book your dad wrote right? Some of us would kill for that kind of memory!" I grab natsu from behind my hands on his bare chest and face buried in his back "that's enough Natsu" I whisper to him silently as a tear rolls don't my cheek "we can get through this...together" turning his head and looking down at me seeing the tear he turns around so my face touches his chest.

As lucy speaks to kaby I and natsu share a moment with him burying his face in my neck and stroking my head running his fingers through my hair "y/n I'm sorry" "don't be, that's what I'm here for, so we can look out for one another" "I'd be lost without you" pressing his head against mine I get a peck on the head and we go back to holding hands. on the walk back home I couldn't get the fact that he kissed me twice in one day, even though it was on the head we had never shared and emotion like that before.

Night fell and we still had to put up with lucy constant and complaining about how we turned down the money, settling down and making a fire we roast 3 fish for dinner "I'm gonna go get some more firewood" I get up from where I was seated "need me to come?" I smile back "na I'm good, be back soon" "alright but remember if you take to long I'm coming for you" he shouts as I enter the forest. Picking up wood off the ground I return to find lucy in my spot beside Natsu, feeding the fire I sit down opposite the 2 of them awkwardly I just wanna go home with natsu...this just feels weird for the first time a girl who wasn't me was beside natsu preparing to go to sleep.

Lucy rests her head on his lap soon falling asleep we look at each other sitting in silence wondering what to do. I nod at him and we all soon fall asleep well most of us, that night I swear was the worst night of my life, the thought of Natsu not being able to move from his position unable to reach me left a sick feeling in my gut.

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