Chapter 42

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I held my head screaming in agony as images flood in my head repeating over and over and over and over and over.
I remembered every cut that followed and each number I said out loud as I counted down in my head.

"1'000 minus 7..."

I am stronger when I turn to the darkness...
Why is it so cold?
It's pulling me in, needing me to accept it.
I can hear them scuttling around in my ear... The centipedes


I can't let it take over, if I do... I may never come back

I throw myself onto the floor with tears streaming down my face and hands shaking while bending my body.

"I need to remember who I in too deep"

My mind feels as if it's splitting in 2.

"Just accept me"
"You know the power you felt...and you liked it"


"set me free, come on, come on, come on, come on"


"You want me... You need me"

"If I accept you I'll disappear"

"Are you afraid of me?"


"Why? think of what you could become...what WE could become"

"That's what I'm afraid of, I will lose control and fall"

"Then what do you plan on doing with me?"

"I will never let you take over"

"Maybe...but what if it turns out that what your saying is the wrong answer?"

"That won't happen"

"One day you're going to need me and I will be waiting patiently for that moment, I'll always be with you even when you can't sense me"

"I will stay in control"

"Don't you want all that pain to go away? It's eating your insides...isn't it"

" hurts"

"I can make it go away all you have to do is ask and together we can become one"


"Think of what we could accomplish, we could go back to the guild and use it to protect, the power flowing through your body will be immeasurable"

"...would the pain stop?"

"All you have to say is..."


Y/n has been gone for over 2 weeks now, I had no idea it would be this painful. I miss everything about Y/n, I miss her scent, her cooking, her face, her laugh, her personality and the list goes on, the master had returned yesterday and after Erza explained what had happened he was not impressed.
Today Lucy was going to face him and pay for her doing, Fairy Tail treats each other like family and what she had done was put shame upon the guild's name. I could hear Igneel in the room next door laughing, peeping into his room I smile spotting him play with a dragon figurine.

"Hey, Igneel"

He turns his head giving me a toothy smile which I return.

"It's time we went to the guild"

"Alright, wait for me!"

Putting him up on my shoulders we walk to the guild as he roughly pulls on my hair.


But all he does is laugh at me in which I put on a small smile and roll my eyes. After Lucys trail I had planned on going with my team on a quest Erza had picked out yesterday, Levy had recently discovered she was pregnant so whenever I needed someone to watch Igneel her and gajeel often volunteered, we enter the guild and almost everyone was there. Erza had Lucy in a violent tight grip waiting for master to emerge from his office. His office door opens rather brutal Erza guides Lucy to stand before Makarov while every guild member stares at her in disgust.

"Lucy do you understand what situation you have put yourself in?"

Looking down at the ground she nods slowly.

"And what do you think would be a fair punishment for what you have done?"

"Fairy Tail is my home and family"

"But you're forgetting that a family should never do what you did, it was unacceptable"

He looks at Mira and nods, we all watch her walk over, everyone was silent and eyes glued on Lucy.

"Please stick out your hand Lucy"

"What! No please, you can't do this... Without fairy tail I'm nothing"

"It is the price you must pay for doing something beyond words"

I watch her drop to the ground sobbing uncontrollably, Mira holds her hand out and presses down on it with a stamp, when she lifts it up her fairy tail symbol had been erased as if it had never been there in the first place.
She lays there as if she has nothing more to live for.

"Please...don't do this to me"
She mumbles
"Fairy tail is all I have, I don't want to leave"

My blood was boiling, she dares ask to stay after messing with the guild... Someone who isn't willing to treat the members as family doesn't belong.

"You should have thought of that before you messed with my family... My

I clench my fists and raise my body temperature squeezing my hands into a fist letting my hair fall in front of my eyes.

"Natsu...please tell them, tell them that I can stay. You're my friend"

"I think you got it all wrong... I WAS your friend"

"Natsu... Please"

"You don't deserve to be called a Fairy Tail member"

I watch as tears stream don't her face uncontrollably, I just stare back with not the slightest amount of pity.

"You make me sick, the fact you have gotten away with so much you thought we hadn't noticed, but we saw went to far this time"

"Without Fairy Tail I... I can't imagine what is do"

"Deal with it, the doors are open so close them on your way out"

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