Chapter 30

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"What are you smiling at?"
"If you don't tell me then you have to sleep on the couch and won't get any action outta me for a month" he crosses his arms closing his eyes proudly thinking his plan was foolproof
"Pffff fine by me, I can just sleep in igneels room, he's asked me to a few times. And I can go and a month without sex but the real problem with your plan is can you?"
His eyes open going wide and the smile disappeared in an instant.
"I'm not gonna tell you what Mira and I talk about so I guess I with igneel tonight" I'll call him over now
"Hey igneel guess wh--" he sprints toward me putting his hand over my mouth before I could finish my sentence
You win, you win, you win, you win"
Igneel comes running towards us laughing while playing with one of his toys.
"What's wrong mom" he tilts his head
"Remember what you asked me earlier"
He thinks for a second then nods
"Well I decided I've changed my mind"
"REALLY!" He smiles and jumps around excitedly.
I turn seeing natsus face
"What about me, I gotta sleep with someone or hold something"
I smile "alright hang on" I whisper into igneels ear and he hands me a toy dragon
"Here you go problem solved" I say while shoving the stuffed dragon under his arm"
"Stop whining it's only for tonight, besides you gotta share me with a second addition to the family soon"
I take igneels hand and we start walking towards his room.
"Don't leave me" I start to walk away and natsu wraps his arms and legs around one of my legs to stop me from going.
"This is just sad" I laugh
"The great son of igneel prince of the fire dragons"
He holds on tight
"I don't wanna be alone"
I sigh and roll my eyes
"Tomorrow night you can hold me as tight as you want"

Igneel and I walk towards his room leaving natsu settling into bed the little dragon slayer falls asleep as my eyes start to get heavy. I heard mumbling from the room next door and him wriggling in be obviously trying to get comfortable when I soon fall asleep.
An hour or two later I hear the door creak open and see the silhouette of natsu leaning on the door frame.
"What's wrong?" I whisper trying not to wake him up.
"I can't sleep, I can't sleep without you"
He walks over to the bed and manages to make room for himself laying next to me wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his head in my neck taking in my scent.
"I love you y/n" he says immediately falling asleep beside me.
I sight with a smile shaking my head before falling asleep.


It's been 1 week since we announced to the guild I was carrying or I should be saying since Natsu accidentally blurted it out without thinking before he spoke, Igneel lept for joy along with the rest of the guild while Lucy not so much. Ever since the notification was made Lucy had been acting strange towards me more than usual, she was still being a total bitch and attempted to be around Natsu which he wasn't too fond of. It was obvious she still had feelings for him and began to understand she had to look for a different approach which for once Natsu used his brain and realized what she was up to.

"Hey guys"

"What's up grey?" I asked him as he stood before team natsu holding tickets of some sort.

"While I was doing a short quest take a look at what they offered me"

He handed one to each of us an 'admit one' ticket to a water park. Erza and Wendy smiled wide obviously excited and eager to go while I sigh with relief to the fact my baby bump was not visible.

"I think it sounds like a great idea, I could do with some relaxation" I smile at Natsu and the others

"Well if you're going then I have to go"

"You don't have to if you don't wanna"

"Yeah I do...who's gonna protect you, besides I think it would be fun"

"Then it's settled we, leave tomorrow morning!, in the meantime we must go shopping for swimsuits" Erza says strictly

I sigh with a smile and nod in agreement knowing I can't blackout of shopping with Erza

"Hey Natsu your gonna have to take Igneel shopping with you while you two go shopping"

Before I could say another word Erza grabs me and Wendy by the wrist dragging us while Lucy is seen running behind trying to catch up.

"Hey guys wait for me!"

"Why don't you hurry up" I grin back watching her glare at me

We all stop in front of a large store with mankind posing in the display window wearing one and two niece swimmers.

I look at a few on the racks seeing some that took my interest.

"Hey Erza find anything to your liking?"

"Yes, only two so far though I'm not sure which one I should wear tomorrow"

"Why don't you try them on and show us" Wendy suggested shyly

"Hey Lucy, found any?"

It was silent for a while until she walks over to wendy and I holding up a pink and white two-piece that was obviously too small and extremely revealing even Erza wouldn't wear something like it.

"Alright tell me what you think"

After seeing Erza try on her two chosen two pieces we finally decided she should wear a black and gold one.

"Now it's my turn"

Lucy pushes past me into the changing room to show off the ones that caught her interest.

"Alright I'm coming out"

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