Chapter 46

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After breakfast I collect the plates off the table taking them to the sink, Igneel and Ragnar return to the back yard and wipe dirt on each other. The last 2 years had been insane, Happy and Carla ended up having a kitten/egg, I honestly did even want to ask about how an egg that big was somehow possible, I just shut it off my mind and focused on being happy (no pun intended) for them. Natsu and I still went on missions while Ragnar and Igneel stayed with Levy, Gajeel and Lilly, Lilly and Ragnar immediately hit it off when they first met while Igneel was more fond of the offspring of Carla and Happy.

I need a name for Happys kid.

today we had planned a day to go on a job with team Natsu and were currently waiting for Gajeel and levy to pick up Igneel and Ragnar so they can go to the park with Lilly.
Cleaning the dishes I feel 2 arms gentle wrap around me as a certain someone buries their head in the crook of my neck absorbing my scent.

"What are you doing?"

I could tell a smile had crept onto his face as he placed a hand on my currently flat midsection.

"Won't be long before we have a house of 5"

"There are still over 8 months to go, and your the one who did this to me"

"You know you wanted this, I just helped move things a little faster"

"Just be grateful I didn't kick your ass, but your right about me being happy"

I turn to face him and press my forehead against his, feeling his lips melt with mine. A knock at the door is heard and I open it seeing Gajeel, Levy and Lilly, Natsu comes over holding Ragnar in one arm and Igneels hand in the other.

"Alright, I want you both to be good while we're gone"
I smile

"We'll be back in 1 to 2 days at most and when we return we can all go out to eat as a treat"

They both give us a toothy grin putting a smile to my face, we wave goodbye and watch as the go off with the others,
Once the door closes I get pinned up against it.

"It has been a while since we've been alone like this"
Natsu breaths heavily with a grin on his face

I nod rolling my eyes and ignoring his irritating smile
"What are you doing?"

He lays hot kisses down my neck burying his head in the crook of my neck

"We've still got over an hour till we're due to meet the others at the train station"


"So, I thought we'd have a little fun to pass the time"
He exposes his sharp fangs looking deep into my eyes.
"Wada ya say"

"If we got time then sounds good to me"

He picks me up by my hips and places me on the counter roughly fidgeting with his belt buckle allowing his baggy pants drop to the ground


"C'mon we're gonna be late!"
I shout as we both run towards the train station hoping Erza wouldn't be too mad at us.

"I'm coming, it's not easy with a backpack meant for 2 people"

"Stop whining, you have a 6 pack now use it!"

"Don't worry I'm right behind you"

"Look there"
I point up ahead seeing Grey, Wendy, Carla and Happy

We finally catch up puffing as Natsu takes a seat on a nearby bench.

"Where's Erza?"
I ask grey looking around but see no sign of her

"She's probably bringing that stupid cart with her"

"Grey... You might want to turn around"

He freezes on the spot hearing Erza clear her throat from behind him.

"She's behind me didn't she..."

I stay quiet and take a step back, Natsu, who was currently sitting on a bench close by was watching everything and burst into a for of laughter seeing Grey's face, Erza shot him a death glare making him shiver and hide behind the bench he was currently sitting on.

"We should be going"
I say as I broke the tension in the air

All of us purchase a ticket and board the train taking a seat near the window preparing for the long journey ahead of us. Me and Natsu immediately regretted boarding the train when we heard the whistle blow and the conductor make his last announcement.

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