Chapter 37

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It's been a few days since we started our trip towards Y/n and I was scared beyond words, if something were to happen to her I could never forgive myself because without her I don't know what I'd do she's also carrying our second child and if she lost it because I was too late she wouldn't be the same or she'd take months to recover from the loss.
I kept on having nightmares on finding her on the ground lifeless, I shake her body asking for her to open her eyes but her heartbeat is gone and body turns cold. I refuse to let Y/n die, I will find her and bring her home.

"We're here..."

He pulls up out in front of a large mansion keeping his distance.

"I can't come with you but I will warn you, be careful this guy does not take lightly to strangers and is possessive of things he considers his."

I nod and run around the back in search of an entrance, that's when I hear it... Screams of agony coming from the top floor making my blood go cold.



I refuse to give in, within the days that had past he went through the same pattern as to when we first met. Injecting the serum through the mucus membrane (the eye), my blood-stained the ground leaving an unpleasant smell, some people came in the room between breaks and cleaned the blood off the ground the disappeared out the door passing the foul creature that bought me.

Since the first cut he told me to count backward from 1'000 out loud in increments of 7, I didn't understand why at first... Then I realized he was trying to keep me sane so that I'd be aware of every single cut that followed, I was clinging to every number.

Meanwhile, he took/cut off my fingers and toes over and over and over and over, every time my fingers and toes grew back it was a reminder of how helpless l was

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Meanwhile, he took/cut off my fingers and toes over and over and over and over, every time my fingers and toes grew back it was a reminder of how helpless l was.

He holds up a nasty bug with pincers and smiles at me

"The Chinese red-headed centipede, nasty little shit, I'm gonna let him run around in your ear for a while, you don't mind do you?"

I scream in agony starting to lose all sanity for a brief moment as I laugh crazily wriggling in the chair I was strapped to, He laughs along with me clearly enjoying every moment.

He laughs

"... Please kill me...just make it end"

Tears pour down my face as I look down at the floor seeing my blood.

"Take some time to recover... I'll be back in a little while"

I sit there defeated just starting at the ground wondering how I got here in the first place.

I sit there defeated just starting at the ground wondering how I got here in the first place

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I don't understand...
What am I doing here?
What did I do wrong?


That scream... Y/N!!!

Like a monkey, I climbed up to the top floor in a matter of seconds and appeared through each window hoping to see y/n, looking through a small cracked window my heart almost stops as I look in horror... Y/n, she was strapped in a chair covered in blood. Without a moment's hesitation I smash through the brick wall frantically dashing toward my mate.
She looks up at me with life drained from her eyes and tears stains on her cheeks.

"... Natsu"
She whispers in a faint cracked voice

I press my head against hers kissing her forehead.

"What have they done to you?"
I speak softly

"Don't worry, I'm going to get you out of here"

I break the straps that held her t io the chair and tried to break the restraints around her wrists cutting off her magic and strength.

"I can't get these off, I'll get help from Erza when I get you back to fairy tail, in the meantime stay with me"

A strange man bursts into the room with drops of y/n's blood still on her shoes.

"You... You did this, I'll kill you... ILL KILL YOU, KILL YOU DEAD IM GONNA RIP YOU TO PIECES!!!"

I charge at him with my body on fire at a power level I've never felt before, with one punch I send him flying into the wall.


"That's impossible, she's a storm dragonslayer I've never heard of that kind before"

"you'll get what coming to you"
I crack my knuckles and growl

"Get away from her, she belongs to me now"
He gets out some kind of weapon and it grazes my shoulder.

"Nice try... But I can do better"

He takes 2 steps back with a look of anger and fear

"I can smell you don't know magic, so it looks like this battle is already over"
I punch him hard in the ribs hearing a loud crack with another first I land a punch straight at his knee bending I backward from the force.
He screams falling to the ground holding his injuries gritting his teeth.

"Beg for mercy"

He stays silent whimpering like a small child

"I'm waiting"
I roar kicking his gut

"P...p...please no more, I... I'm begging you, don't kill me"

"I don't plan on killing you"

Pressing my foot on his chest he gets held down, I light my fist on fire and put my hand on his face, the room echoes with his cries of pain as I watch the 1st, 2nd and 3rd layer of skin melt from the extreme heat.
After melting most of his skin permanently damaging him I knock him out and smash all the bones in his hands to a point where they are beyond repair.

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