Chapter 24

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Igneels yawns and rubs his eyes waking up from a nice nap on my shoulder.
"You ok?"
He nods happily signaling for me to put him down, carefully placing him down I feel him hold my hand as we walk along a forest trail.
"It sure is, hey look over there" I squat down to his height pointing ahead at a giant flower field.
"Should we go take a look?"
Giggling loudly he let's go of my hand and runs into the field. Looking out I feel reminded me of when Natsu confessed to me and the first time I felt his lips melt onto mine.
"Mom, over here"
Snapping out of my thoughts I follow Igneel to the center and watch him run around chasing the occasional bug or butterfly.
"Are you hungry?"
"Just like your fath..., never mind"
Passing him a sandwich I ruffle his hair laughing.
"Do you wanna stay here a little longer"
He nods his head vigorously with a mouth full of food.
"Alright 20minutes max, now see if you can find me the best flower in the field".


My legs screamed in pain as I run non-stop gasping for air, she's close by... I can feel it her scent may-be weak but she was close, then I sense it. It the air is the smell of food... sandwiches (Igneels favorite) it had the be y/n, after that there was no stopping me I sprinted down a forest path hearing faint giggles
...IGNEEL!!! It's gotta be him!
In the far distance a field is spotted with a woman and child playing, I couldn't make out who the female was due to having her back facing me but I could tell the child had pink hair.
Pink hair...IGNEEL...AND Y/N!
The closer I got the stronger the smell it was definitely her no doubt I could never forget that once fragrance I craved and was desperate to be around.
Stopping at the edge of the field panting heavily I look at them as my eyes began to water
She turns around suddenly as her eyes go wide seeing me, I wasn't in the best condition my hair was a chaotic tangle and I looked tired as hell while needing a tree to keep my balance but nothing could stop me now. I run for her as both our eyes have tears swelling up in them. Overjoyed to see her instead of hugging I knock her to the ground making sure she lands on top of me not wanting to hurt her, rolling over I pin her to the ground looking down staring into her eyes.

She goes to speak but I interrupt by smashing my lips onto hers breathing heavily as soon as I break the kiss I collapse to the ground exhausted laying my head on her stomach panting heavily. After laying there for 5 minutes I once again melt my lips with hers picking her up and placing her on my lap so our chests are touching.
"I' sight...again"
I say between breaths, she touches my hair and face looking worried.
"Natsu...its really you isn't it"
"What are you talking about...course it's me"
I place quick hot kisses up and down her neck burying my head in the crook of her neck focused on her addictive scent that I needed, it was like a drug once you've tried it you never want to give it up.
"Y/n, why...why did you leave me"


I hear someone shout from behind
That can't be him... it's not possible...
I turn around immediately lock my eyes with a pair of Onix ones, they were bloodshot and looked tired as I knew instantly who it was. Both our eyes fill up with tears I couldn't stand seeing him like this... his hair was messed up and tangled while leaning on a tree not being able to stand straight or support himself. Like lightning he sped towards me wrapping his body around my knocking me to the ground at and angle where I landed on top of him that didn't last long almost immediately he rolls us over pinning me to the ground while looking down at me staring deep into my eyes.

Before I could ask him anything he smashes his lip against mine breathing heavily craving for me. I could feel him letting out all his emotions where he could kiss aggressively but made it pleasurable and loving at the same time, eventually he breaks the kiss puffing and breathing heavily sound as if his lungs were on fire he almost instantly collapses to the ground exhausted from his journey he lays his head on my stomach attempting to catch his breath, I watch as he closes his eyes while I run my fingers through his hair trying to untangle some of the knots while gently brushing the side of his face.

After a 5 minute break he pulls me in for another kiss as if it were his last, finally gaining his strength back he snakes both arms around my waist lifting me onto his lap without breaking contact. Holding me tight our chests are touching I can feel his muscular chest while he takes a quick second to examine my body wanting to take me then and there but knowing Igneel was nearby, giving me long passionate kisses he tries to speak without breaking contact with my lips though I could only make out a few words.
sight...again" he mumbles and gasps between breaths
I gently touch his face while running my fingers through that pink hair of his that I love but was not so dirty it looked brown, I gave him a concerned look and sigh hoping this wasn't a cruel dream.
"Natsu...its really you isn't it"
He looks back at me equally and concerned as me.
"What are you talking about?...course it me"
I release a small smile as he plants got quick kisses up and down my neck before burying his head in the crook of my neck staying there for a moment absorbing my scent he always wanted to be around.
He breaks the silence
"Y/n, why...why did you leave me"

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