♪the beginning♪

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"another wretched day at william mckinley high, remind me again why we haven't dropped out yet?" cassondra blake asked her younger brother, logan as they lounged on the blechers before school started watching the cheerios do their routine.

logan rolled his eyes at his brunette sister, shrugging his shoulders as he tosses over a rock in between his hands, "that would be because it's technically illegal for me and i actually like school, cass, and i think you would too if you weren't getting into trouble all the time."

cass laughed gruffly at the freshman, getting an idea as the flyer is barrel tossed upward to the top of the pyramid, "oh you're so right. i think i'll change my ways starting right now. can i have that rock?"

"sure?" logan questioned as he willingly dropped the flat rock into her petite hands.

she examines the rock in her hands then the flash of her signature devilish smile shines on her fair skin as she throws the rock perfectly at the cheerleader at the top of the pyramid, causing them to fall like dominos.

sue sylvester looks over at them from across the field seeing the look of triumph in the girls eyes and the aura of fear radiating from her companion, "you! principal figgins office, now!"

"gotta catch me first, sue!" cass bellowed back, turning fast on her heel and down the track toward the school, leaving her brother behind as she runs away laughing.

"excuse me, coming through!" cass laughed as she bolted in between noah puckerman and finn hudson as they surround little kurt hummel in front of the dumpster.

puck watched her, amused, "in trouble already? it's not even 8 in the morning."

"of course, who do you think i am?" she laughed back at them before seeing sue storm up into view, cueing her to sprint into the school to put more distance between them.

She kept running until she found a group of kids standing in front of her locker, giving her enough time to take a jacket from her locker and put it on as sue stormed past her, searching the halls for her. another saving grace was the screaming bell overhead, pushing the students to file into each classroom door to start their day.

new message: little bro
to: blake
cass, why the hell did you chuck that rock at that girl? she now has a concussion and was sent to the hospital?

reply to: little bro
from: blake
because she is a bully. yesterday she tore up this freshman girl's notebook, poured her smoothie into her backpack and then proceeded to call her flab-cake. it's called justice.

cass was many things but a bystander wasn't one of them. she may not say something in that moment but she'll make sure they get what they deserve. her brother never understood his sister but he always stood by her because he, unlike most people in lima, knew who his sister was despite all her flaws.

new message: lil bro
why couldn't you have just reported her? why do you always have to do stupid and reckless crap?

reply to: lil bro
from: blake
because lo no one at this school cares. sue has figgins and every other teacher wrapped around her finger. so if i have to take matters into my own hands then so be it.

she wasn't wrong. sue sylvester was manipulative to every one as long as she got what she wanted. she didn't actually teach at mckinley high, just the cheerleading coach who seemed to be a guaranteed winner which brought boosters and the fundings reserved for other things like the arts and girls sports. she bullied the kids who weren't apart of her cheerios but in the mind of the school board and principal figgins, sue sylvester was a winner and could do no wrong.

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