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artie, tina, blaine and cass sat in front of finn and cass, "mr. schue, finn, thank you for agreeing to this sit-down. We've all noticed the tension between you ever since finn admitted he kissed miss pillsbury."

tina continued for artie, taking her turn in their rehearsed sit down for the pair, "no surprise finn has been acting like he's losing his mind."

"you're feuding," blaine simply says. "and it needs to stop."

artie solemnly agreed, "seriously. it's like hatfields and mccoys in here."

blaine took the dry erase marker from cass, writing the word "feud" in big letters, "so epic musical feuds is our theme. and for the first time in glee club history, we are giving you our fearless leaders, an assignment."

will looked to his daughter, the third leader of the new directions, "cass? you going to let them do this?"

cass nodded, talking with her hands animatedly, "hell yeah i am, you two need to work out your shit. this will not work without all of us working together."

"you two will explore and resolve your differences by performing a song together inspired by a classic musical rivalry," artie explained.


tina cut their teacher off, "regionals are coming up, mr. schue, and if we're gonna have any chance of winning, we need all three of you."

"on the same page and on the same team," blaine finished making the two feuding adults slowly, yet hesitantly look to each other.

cass left the choir room, leaving the quarrelling adults and the three concerned seniors, only to walk directly into ryder lynn, "you kissed marley?"

ryder stuttered and stammered, feeling like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, "i didn't know what i was doing until i did it. i'm sorry."

"don't apologize to me, you should be apologizing to jake and marley," the girl told him, taking jake's side in the betrayal but only caring enough to redirect ryder's apology.

the sophomore hung his head in shame, stiffly nodding, "i know and i will. i wanted to apologize to you first for coming om so strong, i should have listened when you said no."

"it's fine."

ryder jumped in front of her as she tried to slip past him, "no it's not. can we start over?"

the brunette released a heavy sigh, fixing her flannel shirt, "this isn't a videogame."

ryder grabbed her by the wrist, stopping her from walking by, "cass, come on."

"fine. if you want to start over then you can try being my friend."

he smiled brightly down at her, nodding his head vigorously, "i can do that."

unique stopped cass in the hallway as she left ryder behind to get to her morning class, visibly distressed, "i need you to make an arrangement for me and ryder."

cass tilted her head to the side in confusion, much like a dog does when staring at their owner, "you're feuding? since when?"

"since he refused to acknowledge i'm a woman."

cass raised her hand to stop unique from explaining any further, "say less. i'm guessing madonna and elton john, right?"

 i'm guessing madonna and elton john, right?"

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