♪the wedding♪

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finn looked down the row of lockers, seeing blake hum to herself as she pulled her books out of her locker. finn smiled at the sight, "hey, how're you?"

"i'm fine, why do you ask?" blake breathlessly laughed, confused by the random small talk in the empty hallway.

finn closed his locker, turning to face her completely, "it's been a while since you and i hung out or talked really."

"well between glee, you playing football, me on cheerios-"

"how did that even happen?" finn laughed, having been curious about that for months now. cheerios is most definitely out of character for cass blake.

blake laughed, "long story short mike and logan. anyways, we don't spend time with each other because we now have other things consuming our lives. and you have berry, who i can't stand."

kurt brought his father and finn's mother down the hall, stopping in front of them, "oh. what's going on? is this one of those interventions, 'cause...?"

"if it is, it's for the both of us. they bombarded me and forced me to bring them to you. hi blake."

burt turned to his girlfriend, "okay, come on, tell 'em."

"no, no, no, you. come on," carole argued playfully. 

"all right, so you know how i drive carole to work every tuesday? well, today i drove here, and we snuck into that classroom where kurt introduced us...very romantic of me, i might add... and i..."

carole cut him off, waving her hand up, "he proposed! he proposed!"

"you stole the punch line! come on!"

finn stared at them, shellshocked, "wow. this just happened?"

"oh, dad!" kurt crashed into his dad and soon-to-be stepmother.

"congratulations," blake smiled, seeing sam approach them.

"hey blake, you've got a moment?" sam asked, nodding his head in the direction of an empty classroom.

blake smiled at kurt, finn, burt and carole, "of course. what's up?" sam opened a ring box when she entered the room, surprising her, "what the hell are you doing?"

"it's a promise ring you dork," sam snorted, bringing the box to her.

she takes the box, inspecting the ring, "for quinn? it's pretty."

"who said quinn and i were ever a thing?" sam questioned, smiling at her.

blake snorted at him, "didn't you get the glee guys in trouble a few weeks back because of saying beiste's name while making out with her?"

blake snorted at him, "didn't you get the glee guys in trouble a few weeks back because of saying beiste's name while making out with her?"

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