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mr. schuester brought his old classmate, bryan ryan, to talk to his new directions, "okay, guys, listen up. this is mr. ryan. he's a member of the school board, and he would like to say a few words. i-i just want you guys to listen critically and know that what he's saying is just one of many opinions."

"take out a piece of paper," bryan ryan instructed the 15 students sitting in front of him. "and on that paper, i want you to write down your biggest dream. a dream that means so much, you're afraid to admit it even to yourself."

rachel writes "huge star", puck writes "3some", quinn writes "no stretch marks", and blake stares at her paper for a minute before writing down the one thing that she thought of.

bryan goes over and crumples up artie's paper, "your dream is never going to happen. ninety one percent of you will spend your entire lives living in allen county, ohio. so unless you wrote down that your dream was to "work for a mid-market health insurance provider" or "find an entry level job in an elderly care facility," you're going to be very disappointed."

mercedes slumps down in her chair, "this is really depressing."

"oh fuck you," blake told mr. ryan, throwing her paper at his head.

after blake's paper bounced of his head, bryan continued his spiel, "i'm going to guess that a lot of your dreams involve "showbiz." well, let me tell you. showbiz dreams are the most unrealistic of them all."

"but... that's what i want to do with my life," tina whimpered, looking down at her paper that says actress.

"oh, look, i'm not trying to hurt your feelings, i'm just trying to spare you disappointment."

mr. schue hated that he was upsetting his students, discouraging their dreams, "i think we get your point."

"god, i hate you," logan groaned, picking up blake's paper from in front of him.

"aw, well, schuester here's a prime example. he used to have that glimmer of hope in his eyes that i can see right now in all of yours. but he couldn't make it happen for himself, so he now has to try and convince you all that it will happen for you. guess what? his dream didn't work out. and neither will yours," bryan had made tina start crying uncontrollably.

"oh you piece of sh-" blake started yelling at bryan before mr. schue covered her mouth, glaring as his former idol, "okay, you're done here."

"you would be wise to show me some respect," bryan smirked.

mr. schue felt blake squirm under his hand, still trying to curse him out, "you've said your piece. now get out."

mr. ryan smiled mischievously, "well, schuester, i should thank you. you've made my decision about which program to cut a lot easier."

"what kind of car does he drive, do you know? i'm not gonna do anything dangerous, i'm just gonna give him a piece of my mind," blake asked mr. schuester the moment he lifted his hand off her mouth.

mr. schue laughed at the small girl's fire, "go study child."

"you're lucky that i live with you because otherwise i would just ignore you," she laughed, yanking her bag off the ground and heading to the library.

finn and logan had picked up blake's paper that she'd thrown at bryan ryan's head, they both knew that reading it would be a violation of privacy but they were curious. the paper had one word on it, written in her arched cursive scrawl, "adoption?"

"does she want schuester to adopt you?" finn asked her little brother, confused by what she possibly could have meant by that.

logan honestly had no idea but he knew that he would love for mr. schue to adopt them, "wouldn't surprise me if she did. should we ask her about it?"

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