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"guys, i've got some bad news. you know how we decided on "sing" by my chemical romance for regionals. well, i hold in my hand a cease and desist letter from the band. we can't do it."

puck groaned, resting his head onto cass schuester's shoulder, "ugh, it was the perfect anthem."

"how much do you wanna bet coach sylvester had something to do with this?" mercedes challenged looking to logan, not really asking the question because they all had known the answer. "so, what are we gonna do now?"

rachel quickly told every one, "i think...we should write original songs for regionals."

"all those in favor of voting rachel down a second time?" santana declared only to be stopped by quinn.

"no, i think rachel's right. this team works best when we push ourselves and do something a little different."

mercedes considered quinn's stance, "well, that's true but if all the other teams are doing amazing songs. we're not gonna be so good."

"you're right, we're not gonna be as good. we're gonna be better. we won't be using other peoples' words or music. it'll be our own. our own heart, soul, not just our voices. we have a really talented songwriter in our midst. rachel? i was thinking maybe you and i could write a song together," quinn asked shocking everyone.

finn seemed pleased with his current girlfriend, "i'm with quinn and rachel. i mean, if these two can agree on something it's probably an idea worth considering."

"w-wait, wait. so, suddenly you two are writing the music for regionals? no way," santana objected. "i think that everyone should get a chance to write a song."

sam nods his head, agreeing with his girlfriend, "santana's right, we can do this."

"what do you think mr. schue?" mercedes asked, sold by the idea.

mr. schue smiles, "i think we're doing original song for regionals. all right guys, let's hear it for our first songwriting seminar. while quinn and rachel are hard at work, we are gonna try and write an anthem of our own. now, these are rhyming dictionaries for all of you."

"uh mr. schue," santana clears her throat. "tina and i have been uh already working on a song that i wrote."

"really? that's amazing. can we hear it?"

santana and tina went to the front, "this is a song that i wrote for sam. it's called "trouty mouth"."

sam snaps his head up, tearing his attention from the song ideas he'd been writing next to mike and logan, "wait, what's it called?"

mike laughs, whispering to him, "trouty mouth."


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"okay. can we stop? stop with the mouth jokes."

santana narrowed her eyes at the blonde, "sit down. i'm not finished."

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