♪not so warm welcome♪

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"sectionals is in our auditorium for the first time since 1963," artie told tina as schuester shifted through sheet music with cass.

"too much talking, not enough looking for songs for sectionals."

"we need to concentrate on our performer problem before we set a set list. i mean, at least the cheerios! can dance. we need star power. we need sam evans," finn declared, silencing the room. 

mr. schue was caught off guard by the name, quickly looking to his daughter, "sam transferred. his family moved. we don't know where he is."

"he's in kentucky," cass mumbled as her brother spoke over her.

finn smiled brightly at the information, "it's just across the border from cincinnati. it's about a four hours from here. even homeless people have facebook."

cass stood up abruptly, leaving her bag on the ground, "i want no part of this."

logan pulled finn aside after everyone watched her leave, "you know if you do this and somehow manage to convince sam to come back, cass will hate you and she may not stick around."

"what happened between them?" he asked, so unsure of what sam could have possibly done to make her hate him.

logan was on the verge of explaining but then stopped himself, knowing she wouldn't appreciate being put on blast, "just think about the consequences, are you prepared for her to hate you like you've never experienced?"

puck, cass and rory leaned against the piano, observing the band kids as they mindlessly conversed, rory thinking aloud, "are we sure yet which band members are joining us?"

puck noticed the three off to the side, terror radiating amongst them, "well, it looks like "floppy hair bass dude," "chapped lips mcgee," and "johnny tromboner"."

cass hit her head on the top of the piano, groaning, "god, we're screwed."

"no, we're not. i know for a fact that we're winning," quinn smugly told them, looking knowingly at noah.

mr. schue and finn come into the choir room, bearing a bottle of sparking cider and red solo cups, "hey, great news, everybody. sectionals is going to be a challenge, but we have a-"

"mr. schue," kurt cut him off. "we all appreciate your endless supply of affirmations, but all the sparkling cider in the world can't deny the fact that the titanic has hit the iceberg and now we're on a sinking ship."

"not if i can help it," a familiar voice announced, walking in with his guitar.

cass' face told it all as everyone cheered, whispering in shock, "sam?"

sam made eye contact with her, focusing on her and only her, "i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for finn and rachel. i sort of lost my way, but true friends help you find your way back."

"let's hear it for sam evans!"

all but cass cheered for his return, "all right, enough of the sentimental stuff. it's time y'all get a little country back in this joint!"

 it's time y'all get a little country back in this joint!"

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