♪the quarterback♪

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cassie leaned against her bedroom door, dressed in a color that she used to love but now wants nothing more to be wearing anything else and for any other reason but this one. will lightly rapped his knuckles on the door, waiting on the other side with emma and logan, "cassie? are you coming?"

logan held up a finger to will, moving him out of the way, "cassie? knock once if you're still alive."

cass hit her head lightly against the door once, before arising from the ground where she sat for the past hour. relieved to know that his daughter, that has been living in her bedroom for the past few week, was at least responsive, will leaned his forehead against the door, "i know that this is hard on you, we all miss him. we're here if and when you want to talk."

cass swung open her door, scaring all three with the look her face held, "no you don't know how hard this is for me. i'm the one who found him. come on, we're going to be late."

will followed his grieving daughter out the auditorium, "cassie, i'm sorry

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will followed his grieving daughter out the auditorium, "cassie, i'm sorry. my choice of words were not the best, i'll never understand what you're going through but i want to try."

"please stop talking," she pleaded, fighting her tears. "i've got to go. i've got to talk to my counselor and let them know what's going on."

as cass maneuvered her way through the hallways of mckinley high to get to the parking lot, ryder stumbled upon her seeing her red face, "cassie? are you okay?"

not feeling the need to answer that question, she walked past him and continued to her truck. well it wasn't actually her's, after the funeral carole gave her the keys to finn's truck. carole thought that cass would appreciate the truck rather than keeping it in her garage like she originally wanted to do because she couldn't bring herself to get behind the wheel of her son's truck.

the mckinley high new directions, currently enrolled students and alums all gathered in the choir room for a lesson or remembrance that none ever thought they'd be there for. will walked into the choir room, feeling an emptiness in the room when he didn't see finn, "i'm really glad so many of you could make it back for this."

"we wouldn't miss it for anything, mr. schue," mike told their teacher, softly squeezing his friend's shoulder.

will smiled at the alum, "the funeral was for everyone, but i wanted to do something just for us. to memorialize him the only way we know how...by singing. all week long. anyone who wants to can come up and sing. maybe a song he sung, maybe something that reminds you of him.."

"singing isn't going to bring him back," puck grunted, crossing his arms.

will nodded, looking around the room to see the varied reactions to the comment and the situation, "no, it's not. nothing is, not ever. but... for two minutes or so, we can all maybe remember the best parts of him. so, think of what you want to sing, if you want to sing, and we'll start tomorrow."

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