♪freak show♪

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"are we friends again because i really need to talk to you?" finn asked blake, offering her a cup of coffee as a peace offering.

blake laughed, accepting the cup, "yeah finn, we're friends again. what's up?"

"we're moving into kurt's house. i'm sharing a room with him," finn blurted out.

blake's eyes went wide, "oh my god!"

"i know. that's crazy right, like how am i supposed to share a room with him when i know he likes me," finn rants, pacing back and forth.

blake grabs him by the arm, "talk to your mom about it. tell her you're uncomfortable."

"she'll just think i dont want to move," finn dismisses.

"do you?"

finn threw up his arms in defeat, "no, of course not."

blake laughed at his reaction, checking the time on her wristwatch, "come on. let's go."

"it's so weird. this so isn't you," finn tells tina, seeing her wearing normal clothes rather than her typical gothic style.

tina sighs, slumping down further in her chair, "i feel like an asian branch davidian."

"tina, are there any other looks you can try?" mr. schue asked, cueing a montage of suggestions for tina's new look.

tina got aggravated by the suggestions, not wanting to change her appearance, "look, i appreciate it, guys, but it just isn't me. i know who i am, and i'm not allowed to show it. it's like communism."

"guys, we have a serious problem," rachel announced, storming into the room. "i've been doing some deep background on vocal adrenaline."

logan looked to mr. schue confused, "isn't that against the rules?"

rachel shook her head, answering for him, "no, not at all. or probably. whatever. anyway, what i figured out, i rooted through the dumpsters behind the carmel auditorium and i found 18 empty boxes of christmas lights."

"oh, no," kurt gasped.

rachel seemed pleased by the reaction she'd earned from him, continuing, "which led me to joelle fabrics. i asked them about red chantilly lace, and they were sold out!"

mercedes grabbed onto logan and mike, feeling faint, "oh, sweet jesus."

"w-w-what?" mr. schue and the boys asked together, not quite sure what was going on.

"they're doing gaga," kurt announced in the most menacing voice he could produce.

tina groaned, slumping down even further in her chair, "that's it. it's over."

"we should have guessed it. they're going for full-out theatricality. they know it's the easiest way to beat us. damn them!" kurt cursed them.

puck looked to blake, the only girl who wasn't so effected by the announcement, "what's up with this gaga dude? he just, like, dresses weird, right? like bowie?"

"lady gaga is a woman!" kurt gasped, ashamed of puck's lack of pop culture knowledge. "she's only the biggest pop act to come along in decades. she's boundary-pushing. the most theatrical performer of our generation. she changes her look faster than britt changes sexual partners."

"that's true," blake snickered to matt.

rachel continued in kurt's explanation, "it makes sense that vocal adrenaline would pay homage. it's a brilliant move. she's a perfect fit for them."

mr. schue seemed inspired, "now, hold on a second. we might be able to kill two birds with one stone here. we can help tina find a new look and find a competitive number for regionals. this week, your assignment: gaga."

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