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"i know what you did, unique."

unique stops in her tracks, turning to face the brunette, "i don't know what you're talking about."

sighing, cass shuts her eyes tightly, "are you really going to make me say that you pret-"

"alright you caught me," unique quickly yelled over cass, shutting her up before saying what she'd done with people from glee around. "are you mad?"

cass began to tell unique everything she hated about what she'd done but then remembers who she was speaking with, "no and yes. i'm half and half because i know why you did it but i don't agree with it."

"i am so sorry. i didn't mean for it to become this," unique starts to cry, grabbing her hand.

cass shakes her head, pulling her hand out of unique's as they walk into the choir room, "i'm not the one you need to apologize to."

"all right, guys. it's finally here. regionals. i just found out, because of safety concerns related to late-season tornados, indianapolis has declined to host the competition. so! as defending champions, we're having regionals here, in our auditorium," mr. schuester announces, pleasing the members by the location. "now, because of a sexting scandal at our lady of perpetual loneliness, yes you heard me right cassie," will laughs seeing his daughter's eyes go wider than she believed possible. "their glee club, the nun-touchables, has been excommunicated by the new pope. they've been replaced by the world-famous boys of ziegler prep, the waffle-toots."

"like cake farts?" logan asked, choking on his laughter.

will cut off his laughter, conveying the severity of the situation, "they're very good. the hoosierdaddies are still the odds-on favorite. i mean, their lead vocalist, frida romero, is a tiny juggernaut of talent. we're in for the fight of our lives. so..let's get real. there comes a moment in every performer's life that defines him or her, sometimes for the rest of their career. this is our moment. we've struggled, we've endured, and now we must triumph. and speaking of that, i want us all to just take a moment to send some positive energy to one of our very own. she has her final callback for funny girl today. so, let's all give a big round of applause to rachel, wherever she is."

the three best friends, logan, blaine and sam walked into mckinley high that morning. and all blaine could talk about is his impending proposal for kurt hummel, "you can only do this once, so it-it has to be perfect. it has to be, you know, special."

sam turned and started walking backwards to look at his friends while talking, "are you actually talking about a marriage proposal?"

"dude, we're in high school. you're not ready to get married, and i'm not letting you," logan stated, stopping them both in their tracks.

"agreed," sam grunted, slapping logan on the back.

blaine rolled his eyes at his two overprotective best friends, continuing his path to his first period, "well, i'm not asking for your permission. i'm already gonna do it. what i'm asking for is your help about how to do this. from my best friends."

"okay. then, as your best friends, i need to remind you that just a few weeks ago, you were totally confused. you didn't even know where kurt stood with this adam guy," sam reminded, skipping to catch up with blaine.

blaine kept his eyes locked on the path ahead, "well, i don't remember you being this introspective when you were asking brittany to marry you."

"he's got you there buddy," logan chimed, jumping out of the way of a cheerio as she and her boyfriend started making out in the middle of the hallway.

sam sighed at the mention of his and brittany's apocalypse driven marriage, "one, i don't even know what that means, and two, we thought the world was ending. and when we realized it wasn't i regretted it."

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