♪swan song♪

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cass and finn ran into the room hearing kitty yell at marley, "drink the damn juice!"

cass realized how bad her eating disorder really was, that after her and ryder found her at the musical she hadn't stopped making herself throw up. "marley? marley, are you okay? what happened?"

"she hasn't been eating. she's been skipping lunch," jake told her as marley sipped on the juice box artie gave her.

santana looked straight to kitty, "is that because you've been telling her to? you trying to turn her into a damn rexy?"

"what? no.." kitty lied hesitantly. "why would i why would i want that?"

santana snapped at her, "cause you're a crazy, evil bitch."

"santana, not now," cass called her off, silencing santana as mr. schue ran into the room.

"hey, marley, you all right?"

joe ran back in, "the nurse is on the way, mr. schue."

"santana, puck, you stay here with marley," mr. schue instructed looking around the room full of his current and previous students. "the rest of you guys, get back up there. leaving the stage mid-competition, for any reason, is risking immediate disqualification."

"what?! that-that's a rule?" finn stuttered realizing their concern for marley may have just screwed them.

sue came in the room, "yeah, it's a rule. one of the bylaws, actually. as all of you all were spiraling into a self-created k-hole of crazy, the judges, by unanimous vote, have declared the warblers victorious. hey, so congratulations, finn hudson, cassondra schuester. for the first time in its charmed, yet pitiful existence, the new directions! has lost sectionals. but here's the good news. christmas came early for one sue sylvester."

cass got up from next to marley, going after sue, "i'll kill her."

finn and puck caught her as jake laughed, "cassondra?"

cass turned her deadly glare onto the high schooler, threatening in a low voice, "i'll kill you."

"she's serious," logan enlightened him, taking his sister by the hand and leading her out the room for a cool down lap.

"you okay?"

cass slammed her hand into the lockers, screaming, "four years! four damn years right down the toilet. because one of our performers passed out? that's bullshit."

"i know but there's nothing you can do about it," logan whispered in a soothing voice.

"it's just not fair."

"whoa, whoa, whoa. wha-what's happening? what are you doing?"

sue turned to see finn and cass standing in the doorway, flabbergasted, "hey, there, lumps. just taking advantage of the high ceilings on this, my new rehearsal space. it is now the home of my brand-new french-canadian, circus-inspired cheerios! side project, sue du soleil. get rid of all this sparkly red stuff. it still smells like the glee club in here."

"what are you talking about?" cass sneered as the cheerios ripped the sound proofing off the wall.

"well, when your season ended, with your loss at sectionals, i filed the appropriate paperwork so that the cheerios! take full possession of this room, including everything in it your trophies, your beloved plaque with the late lillian adler. and i took her inspirational quotation, and i re-engraved something for myself here. "i died a slow, horrible death choking on the fluid in my own lungs"."

"you-you can't do this," finn stuttered. 

"oh, i didn't do this. you did this, and now if you'll excuse me, i'm going to take your nationals trophy, and i'm going to run over it with my le car."

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