♪the last first♪

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the schuester siblings come into the kitchen to see emma pillsbury kissing their adopted father. cass sees their display of affection and can't help but be repulsed, "you guys are so weird."

"don't hate cassie," will laughed, handing the girl her morning coffee.

"i'm not hating, i'm just speaking facts."

will rolls his eyes at the girl, "ready for your last first day of school?"

"when's graduation again?" cass laughed as she sat down to drink the coffee they made her.

mercedes found cass and logan as they entered the school, upon seeing cass she dragged her to their lockers only to be bombarded yet again by jacob ben israel, "blake, twitter says you’re officially dating sam evans, aka trouty mouth, aka hobo mcbeaver."

"we didn't date, jacob. get your facts straight," she glowered at him, sending shiver down his spine. "he left right after school ended last year because dad got a job out of state."

"what about you mercedes? it's littered the twitter-sphere that you and one logan schuester were a thing, can you confirm that?"

mercedes rolled her eyes as she closed her locker, "honey, that is so june. yes, logan and i dated, but what happened there is none of your business. but i’m gonna give you an exclusive. there’s a new man in mercedes’ life now. and he’s my future plans."

her new boyfriend, shane, began to lead her away after he found them, "i’m not only your future plans, baby. you’re gonna be a star. and when you graduate and win that first grammy, we’re gonna make beautiful cocoa babies."

"ohhh, baby, how you talk," mercedes sighed as she was pulled away from the camera and her best friend.

"okay bye."

the first glee club rehearsal began with them staring at their trophies as they sit in the center of the room. "mr. schue, why are all of our trophies in the middle of the room?"

britt frowns at their tiny 12th place trophy, "i was sure that our nationals trophy would grow during the summer."

"i want this image burned into your mind. this is what the difference between first," will picks up their regionals trophy then their nationals, "and twelfth place looks like. it’s also what it feels like."

puck groaned, sitting in the seat next to the older schuester child, "are you planning on bumming us out all year long?"

"no. i’m planning on pushing you harder than you’ve ever been pushed. we made it to nationals last year. this year i’m not gonna let anything or anyone stop us from winning at all. i let you down last year. i lost focus, let some broadway pipe dream get in the way."

"and we’re really sorry that the guy who replaced you in april rhodes’ musical won the tony," rachel apologizes, picking at that wound. "i mean, i can only imagine your regret."

"yeah, you know what i regret? being the laughingstock of the show-choir world," mercedes told them, pointedly staring at the revived relationship of rachel and finn.

logan snorted, nodding grimly, "and that’s saying something."

"mercedes has a point. finn and rachel’s “the kiss that missed” already has twenty-thousand views on youtube, and the comments section is just full of pithy banter like “why is that t-rex eating the jew?”," kurt informed them, reading a comment that santana had left.

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