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logan closes his sister's locker, catching her attention from the pictures of her and a few kids in glee at their adoption day, "are you seriously not gonna give him a chance?"

cass didn't have to ask who he was talking about because she already knew. that's all him and mercedes had been talking about since they pieced it together. "why do you care?"

"because it's sad. i've seen how he looks at you sis and he's in love but you're not even giving him a chance."

blake looks down at her phone, "infatuation does not equate to love, lo. he's infatuated with me, he doesn't love me."

"oh my god you're so annoying," logan groaned, taking her phone from her, earning a deadly glare that she typically reserves for their father and santana lopez. "at some point you've got to ask yourself, "is being this annoying worth it?" the answer is no."

"you know, being this annoying doesn't come easy. it's taken me years to become this."

logan laughed at her joke, "well you should give him a chance because he's a good guy."

"i know he is. trust me."

logan walked into the boy's bathroom, seeing sam comb his hair to the side, "what are you doing?"

"trying to get blake's attention."

logan shook his head, disappointedly, "you already have it, dude."

upon entering glee club that day, the new directions discovered that sue would be participating again, "this can't be happening."

artie vigorously nodded, agreeing with tina, "yeah, this does seem like a terrible idea."

"i'm going to actually kill myself," blake announced, earning a few concerned looks.

"guys! it's not up for discussion, okay? now it's no secret that coach sylvester has taken her licks."

santana shakes her head, "i mean...just wanky..."

mr. schue continues, ignoring her, "and i believe that she could use a little sympathy from us."

mercedes looks disgusted by the suggestion, "sympathy? from us? nuh uh."

"yeah, all she's ever done is make our lives miserable," quinn agreed, glaring at her old coach.

santana joined her, pissed that they had to quit cheerios, "she got exactly what she deserved."

"you're lucky i left my blow-gun at home air-bags cause i got a clear shot at your nonnies."

will yells getting his student's attention again, "guys...! coach sylvester has had her recent setbacks but she is a proven champion. we could do worse than to have that winning record in our midst."

"let me break it down for you. i am no longer a threat to you people, alright. i'm just hoping that your singing and dancing around will pull me out of my doldrums and give me a reason to live... is that too much to ask?"

"guys, it's settled. sue's going to be with us for the week. now, i received a envelope in the mail today," will said waving said envelope.

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