♪home sweet home♪

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the blake kids enjoyed their summer, free of their father and finally happy. blake could always be found with mercedes and mike, until mike went to asian camp and came back dating tina. logan spent the summer pursuing his passion, something he could never do living with their dad. mr. schue loved the kids, appreciating every moment he spent with them, loving them like they were his own.

blake finished washing their breakfast dishes, drying them as a random thought occurred to her, "so are we schuesters now or are we still blakes?"

mr. schue laughed at the question, packing his messenger bag for the first day of school after the break, "well as soon as the papers get approved you guys can pick."

the kids look to each other, saying together, "schuester."

"but i'm still making people call me blake," blake laughed, pulling her bag over her shoulder as they leave the apartment.

mr. schue frowned at the brunette, her hair now reaching the nape of her neck, "why? cass is pretty."

"i hate it. it reminds me of everything horrible that's ever happened to us."

mr. schue understood where the girl was coming from, raising his hands in surrender, "fine."

upon arrival to william mckinley high school, the three are bombarded by jacob ben israel and his camera crew, "hi, i'm jacob ben israel with glee's big gay summer with all the glee club dish you're dying to know. did you know there's a forum on my blog that's begging you to stop rapping?"

"wait, th-the kids don't like it when i rap?" mr. schue asked, looking to his kids.

blake laughed, "i love it mr. schue."

"is it true that you two no longer live with your parents and are orphans?" jacob asked, shoving the microphone in blake's face.

logan shoves him away, "screw off jacob that's none of your business. we're not orphans."

at the first glee of the year, will reads the comments from jacob's blog, "these are comments from jacob ben-israel's most recent glee club blog. "glee is a giant ball of suck"."

"we get it, mr. schue," kurt sighed, hugging blake beside him. "everyone still hates us. so what? so we're plankton on the high school food chain? only difference now is that none of us really care."

"kurt's right. we're a family," mercedes tells their father figure teacher, grabbing logan's hand making him squirm. "they can bring it all they want. none of it is going to break us."

mr. schue smiled, proudly, at his students, who a year ago wouldn't have been friends any other way, "okay, i'm really happy that you guys have all bonded. the problem is that all of this negative stuff is keeping other students from auditioning."

"good. why do we need new members?" tina questioned, nuzzling into mike's chest.

"well, since matt transferred," mr. schue started only to be cut of by blake.

"matt left? boo, may he rest in pieces."

mike looked at his friend, judging her, "blake, he's not dead. he just moved."

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