♪brittany 2.0♪

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"hey sammy boy," cass sang, leaning over his shoulder to plant a kiss on his cheek.

sam smiled at the brunette, happy to see her before she left for her class, "hello girly, how's northwestern?"

"stressful. but i'm lucky, my hours here work toward my degree."

sam frowned knowing when she checked her watch that she had to leave for her 10 am class, "i barely see you outside of glee, when do i get to see you again?"

"i don't know. i'll let you know but i'm really sorry, i've got to go. i'll be back for glee rehearsal," she promised quickly pecking him on the lips before leaving.

mr. schue met cass at the door when she returned from her english class, with exciting news, "great news, guys. principal figgins has asked us to perform at the annual back-to-school pep rally this week. now, i understand our national champion street cred has dropped a little bit since school started, but this is our chance to really wow them and get it back."

"what are we gonna perform?" joe asks curiously, knowing the track record of pep rallies gone wrong for the new directions.

"good question. we're a family in here, and when one of our family is falling down, it's up to us to get together to pick them back up."

as will wrote on the board, tina gasped at the announcement, "oh, my god. are we doing britney week again?!"

will nodded, looking directing at his floundering super senior, "you really came into your own during the last britney week. you showed us the best of britney: youth, energy, confidence. she inspires you, and you inspire us. so everyone prepare a britney song for the week, and we're gonna pick one to do for the pep rally. and i've asked blaine and artie to give us a little taste of what we're looking for."

"this one's for you, brittany," blaine told the blonde as they began a mashup of britney's "boy" and justin bieber's "boyfriend".

"this one's for you, brittany," blaine told the blonde as they began a mashup of britney's "boy" and justin bieber's "boyfriend"

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"britt, what'd you think?" mr. schue questioned after the performance.

"i'm once again inspired by the awesomeness of britney. thanks, mr. schue."

cass found unique leaning against the wall, apparently watching his fellow new directions. cass waved her hand in front of unique's face, making him jump, "hey ms. blake."

"you know you can call me cass right? blake isn't necessary."

unique sighed, smiling at the girl he idolized, "right, cass. what can i do for you, cass?"

"i just wanted to check up on you, not only as a director but as a friend. you settling in okay?"

"yes ma'am. hey look there's marley," unique pointed down the hall to the approaching brunette.

cass saw the younger puckerman, "and jake flirting with tina."

when marley reached them, unique stopped her, "so, here's the deal. we're both new girls here, and new girls need to stick together. first order of bestie business: boys. who've you got your eye on?"

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