♪hello, goodbye♪

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"can you believe that in just a few weeks we will be competing in regionals?" mercedes asked blake at her locker inbetween french and history class.

finn walked past the girls, waving to them. but all he received was the cold shoulder, "is she still not talking to me?"

"yes finn, she is," then rachel walked past them looking confident. the two girls left the quarterback and joined her, "hey, babe, looking good!"

rachel smiled brightly at mercedes, linking her arm through her's, "i'm feeling good, mercedes."

"this is amazing. ever since glee Club won sectionals, everybody looks at us differently," mercedes observed making blake laugh as kurt joined them, linking his arm through mercedes free one.

as they past jacob ben israel, he practically started drooling, "i want to be with you, rachel."

"well that's disturbing," blake snickered.

kurt laughed, "we're glitterati. i feel like lady gaga."

"get used to it, guys, we're stars now, on par with all the jocks and popular kids; oh it's the dawn of a new era here at mckinley, and we are going to rule this school!" rachel announced as dave karofsky and azimio come around the corner and slushie rachel, kurt and mercedes.

karofsky laughed, dropping his cup on the ground, "ooh, welcome to losertown!"

"population you!" azimio laughed, throwing his cup at kurt.

"spell losertown you neanderthal," blake hissed as the two football players turned to give each other a high five

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"spell losertown you neanderthal," blake hissed as the two football players turned to give each other a high five.

the two look at each other a moment before karofsky had the look as though he had the best comeback in the world, "y-o-u."

"so clever, david. i'm happy to hear that you at least know how to spell one word after getting dropped on your ass as many times as you do in football," blake sneered, leading her friends to the closest bathroom to clean them off.

"are you going to the game tonight?" rachel asked as she rinsed out the red shush out of her hair.

blake nodded as she handed kurt and mercedes paper towels, "yeah. logan made the time so of course i'm going."

"you two are close," rachel simply stated.

"yeah. we sorta had to be growing up," blake said almost in a whisper before she left the bathroom.

during the basketball game, rachel made her way to sit with blake in the bleachers. she was dressed in a bright blue shirt that read, "team finn." the boys were going great for the most part, logan and puck were leading scorers for the mckinley high titans, but finn on the otherhand wasn't doing too hot.

finn looked up in the stands and saw the two girls. blake wouldn't give him a second look, whereas rachel was jumping up and down and waving whenever he looked in their direction. distracted, finn lost possession of the ball and the other team scores.

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