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mercedes nudged cass and artie, "wanna show them the first ever glee number?"

"that was horrifying, i still get nightmares about it," cass teased, not actually having been in that performance.

logan smirked at mike, wanting to. see how bad it was, "let's see it."

"we suck," rachel huffs laughing, acting the same way she did when they first showed it to cass

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"we suck," rachel huffs laughing, acting the same way she did when they first showed it to cass.

cass laughed, throwing her arm over rachel's shoulders, "you got that right princess."

"that was the most ghetto number i have ever seen," santana laughed as the original six sat back down.

"then just call me george jefferson, because we went from the ghetto to the penthouse. national champs, baby!" artie whooped, high-fiving cass as she and mercedes sat on the stools next to him.

"this week's assignment is easy. graduation is just a few days away. there's nothing left to prepare for. our work here is done, so there's only one thing left to do: say goodbye. underclassmen, pick some songs to say goodbye to the seniors; seniors, pick a song to say goodbye to us."

mercedes grabs her best friend's hand, looking around the room, "a part of me wants to lock these doors and stay in here with everyone forever."

"we can use the wastebasket for the toilet, and then we could eat joe for the food, since she's been here the shortest, so we know her the least," brittany suggested innocently.

quinn laughed at the ditsy blonde behind her, "i really hope you're about to rap."

"no such luck. i'm leading by example here. this one is for you guys."

after mr

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after mr. schue sang "forever young", cass called for an old friend as they filed out the door somberly, "hey hudson, got a minute for an old friend?"

"for you? i've got time. what's up?" he asked, stopping so she could catch up to him.

"i just want to thank you. sophomore year you didn't give up on me even when i gave up on myself and you. you showed us kindness that i can never repay."

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