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"hey, finn, want to arm wrestle? it'll really get your blood flowing," coach offered after beating the calculus teacher.

finn shook his head no, pouring him and cass a cup of coffee, "not today, coach."

"anyone?" coach called, looking to cass.

cass chuckled, accepting her coffee from finn, "i would but i know for a fact i'd lose."

"fair enough, pumpkin. hey, i heard about sue taking over your choir room. i'm really sorry about that."

finn nodded, pouring sugar in his coffee, "yeah, yeah, it's been pretty rough. i feel like we're the fugees or something, just bouncing around from available classroom to available classroom."

coach looked at the young man, confused and amused, "you wait, you mean like refugees?"

"yeah, isn't that what i said?"

cass chuckled at finn's use of the wrong word, "no, it's not. it's great we're still together as a group, but without competitions, we have to come up with something fun and interesting on a weekly basis just to keep everybody involved, and this week i'm just stuck."

"it's a no-brainer. the sadie hawkins dance," coach suggested.

finn frowned at the suggestion, "well, no offense, but how are we supposed to make a lesson out of a dumb school dance?"

"when i was in high school, girls like me didn't get asked out. so the only dance i could go to was sadie hawkins. i asked the preacher's son. he was stoned the whole time, but we had a ball. going to that dance gave me the courage and the confidence to join the football team. i was the first girl in missouri to ever do it. sadie hawkins is a metaphor for empowerment, and not just for women, but for everyone who is sick and tired of the status quo."

cass smiled, smacking the tabletop, "i think we found our lesson. thanks coach, come on finny boy."

sugar skipped into the science classroom, "i want to sit under venus."

"i want to sit under uranus," sam called, looking up at the diagram solar system, making everyone laugh at him. "what's so funny?"

cass clapped to get their attention, "so this week in glee club, it's ladies' choice, inspired by the sadie hawkins dance."

"which i thought of. it was my idea."

finn rolled his eyes at tina, "yes, thank you, tina. and every girl will sing to whoever they want to take to the dance."

kitty looked mischievously to jake, "well, i, for one, love this lesson. i've got a song i want to sing to somebody."

finn and cass stood in the center of the boy's locker room with tina, "all right, so tina is ready to present her solo and make her choice."

"gentlemen, prepare yourselves for tina cohen-chang."

"thank you, cass and finn. for my song, i'll be performing "i don't know how to love him" from jesus christ superstar. it's about the pain of unrequited love and-"

finn cut her off, "yeah, okay, just wrap it up. beiste needs the locker room at 4:30."

tina quickly apologized, "sorry. hit it."

as tina sang "i don't know how to love him", logan leaned into cass' ear, "who do you think she's asking?"

"five bucks it's blaine."

logan took her hand, accepting the the challenge, "you're on."


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