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tina walked into the choir room to see sam, logan and rachel putting all their trophies in boxes, "well, what are you guys doing?"

rachel shrugged, putting their first trophy they'd ever won into the box in front of her, "well, mr. schue wanted us to pack away the trophies before sue came in and had the cheerios! do it. no, don't get upset."

"i'm upset."

blaine and kurt burst into the room, blaine barely holding in his big news, "guys, you might want to sit down for this. i have some huge news."

"you guys got married and adopted russian twin babies. yes!"

kurt gave sam a look for confusion as him and blaine both yelled that he got into nyada, cueing a huge hugging exchange. logan shifted on his heels, feeling it was his turn to share his news, "i guess now's a good time to tell you guys that i got into julliard."

"wow! oh, my God! you guys, do you know what this means? all of us... we're all going to new york together!" tina exclaimed excitedly before accidentally getting hit in the head with the trophy that logan was holding. 

logan shook tina awake feeling horribly, "oh, my gosh, tina, i'm so sorry. are you okay?"

"yeah, yeah, i'm great. you guys, new york, it's gonna be amazing."

mercedes and kurt stood on the stage, as requested with a plan to get rachel and santana to stop fighting, "you know, being here with everyone has brought so many good feelings and memories, and... i mean, look at puck and quinn. i mean, i have no idea what's going on there, nor do i know where her boyfriend ran off to, but it looks like we can be expecting another "accidental" pregnancy sometime soon."

kurt talked over the denial coming from quinn, "but, alas, with the old good feelings come the old bad ones, too. why, just today, mercedes and i were in the lunch line when a battle from way back in the day came out, a-and we found ourselves at each other's throats again."

mercedes laughed as they told the story of their fight over tots, "yes, i know. it's really hard to see friends fighting, but i'm just glad that none of you guys were there to see it."

"i was right behind you in line."

kurt ignored artie, taking mercedes' hand, "because the most upsetting thing is watching two people you love fight about something ridiculous and there not being anything you can do to stop it. but, thankfully, we made up and we have never been closer. and we've decided to heal our hearts with a song."

"you remember when we first met?"

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"you remember when we first met?"

cass stopped right in front of sam's locker from sophomore year, nodding as she leaned against the wall, "yeah, finn and artie took me over to convince you to audition for glee club."

"the worst decision i ever made was not asking you out when you and finn showed up that day in the locker room."

cass rolled her eyes at the blonde, waving her hand dismissively because she could one up his worst decision, "i can do you one better, i should have accepted your stupid promise ring instead of pushing you to quinn."

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