♪moving on♪

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will walks in the choir room after his talk with sue, "hey, guys, in spite of the complete lack of representation at the career fair ...i know that many of you are thinking about a career in the arts. it's no secret that sue sylvester doesn't believe that an artistic career is a very practical idea. and for once, i have to admit she's right. it's completely impractical. anyone pursuing the arts has to go in with their eyes wide open. we're talking zero job security and impossible odds. but i've always believed that you have to pursue what you love. and that's why this week's assignment is about a goofy looking kid struggling to make it in the music business."

kitty punched the air, "finally. it's marilyn manson week."

will chuckled at her hopes, "close. billy joel."


cass turned to unique, disappointed yet again by her lack of musical knowledge, "just a musical genius who's sold over 150 million records worldwide."

will laughs at her look of disappointment that was directed at unique, "that's right. billy had to fight every step of the way in his career. he had countless failures and disappointments: writing songs that nobody wanted, playing piano in bars to pay rent, being told that he wouldn't make it because he didn't look right."

"translation: too jewish," jake told everyone, doing his best jewish grandmother impression.

will snorted, appreciating the commentary, "but he ignored the haters and he kept pursuing his dream, becoming the third best-selling solo artist of all time. and an inspiration to anyone pursuing a career in the arts, like our very own mr. blaine anderson, mr. sam evans and mr. logan schuester."

"alright as some of you may or may not know, this week is my big nyada audition. i know, it's terrifying. so i'm leaving today to maybe get some last-minute tips from kurt and rachel."

logan deeply inhales, rubbing his hands together, "i've got my big audition at juilliard for a spot in their dance program on a scholarship. i'm terrified but after spending every weekend with mike at joffrey, i'm confident that i'll nail it."

sam brought up the rear with the announcement train, "and i'm going with them because i have an interview with the theatre department at hunter college. they saw and they loved my "tornado of talent" impressions reel. and i'm up for this awesome scholarship, the channing tatum former male stripper grant."

"but we spoke to mr. schue and cass and because we have to miss this week they thought the least we could do is maybe..."

sam finished blaine's thought, "kick it off with our very own take on a classic bj."

logan rolled his eyes at his sister's raised eyebrows, "billy joel. hit it." 

cass hugs each of the new york bound boys, ending on her brother, "you guys better take care of him in new york

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cass hugs each of the new york bound boys, ending on her brother, "you guys better take care of him in new york."

"don't worry cass, we'll watch logan for you," sam chuckled as they shouldered their bags to leave.

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