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cass and finn walked into school, seeing jake and ryder begin to fight. "hey, hey, cut it out."

cass grabs jake by the collar, "listen to me right now, don't make me make you stop."

tina jumped in, "i persuade you to stop fighting immediately."

"freeze, bitches," becky yelled, pointing her spork at them. 

cass laughed at the two seniors, "thanks, becky, both you guys."

"glee club, 20 minutes," finn told them, leaving with cass. 

logan found them outside the choir room, laughing at the sight of finn's outfit, "you know you're dressed like my dad right?"

"i am not."

"yes you are," they laughed together.

cass bumps finn's shoulder, "did you say you had a lesson for this week?"

"yep. you okay with me taking the lead?" finn asks as they both stared at lillian's plaque.

"sure, let's see what you got."

finn turned to the new directions, "okay, guys, sit down. we got a lot of work to do today. no, seriously, come on, i mean it, sit down."

"sit down now," cass ordered and instantly all the new directions scurried to their seats. "okay, so the first order of business today is to welcome the newest members to the glee club ryder and kitty."

"wait, don't we all get to vote on her or something?" tina asked, scowling at the cheerio.

finn sighed, "well, tina, kitty was fantastic in grease."

"in spite of my god-awful part."

cass rolled her eyes at the cheerleader, "besides, we're under the gun. we we have to go to sectionals next week and we need 12 members to compete."

"oh, well, then, just call santana back from kentucky again 'cause apparently she's better than anyone who's actually enrolled here."

cass exhaled, frustrated with tina, "look, tina, not now."

"where was i?" finn asked cass.


"yes. here's the game plan. broke the marker. where does mr. schue keep the other markers?" he asked cass, frantically

cass pointed, "in that cup next to the radio."

"screw it. the theme is "foreigner", we're gonna sing songs by foreigner in foreign languages, wearing all the costumes of the world's nations."

"wait, seriously, that's your idea?" cass and logan ask together, expecting more.


"kiki, what do you think?" brittany asked her phone.

"i think i'm alive and you're the machine."

blaine sighed, "finn, times have changed. we're national champions now, which means we have to exceed all expectations, so if that's your best idea, i don't think we stand a chance."

"wait, where are you going?" cass called after the senior as he left the room. 

"i'm going to get our trophy back from the warblers the one you guys haven't even noticed is missing."

the two 19 year olds looked to each other groaning, "crap."

cass, finn and beiste walked down the hall, "so, who exactly are you supposed to be?"

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